
The scene by the car is uncomfortable to watch and I have never really liked it. I like it less after seeing the Seinfeld spoof of it.

Both the Dukes of Hazzard sang at one point, if I remember correctly. Both on Broadway and on albums.

way late to the party but one of my favorite shots was the shot of Alison through the glass over Don's shoulder. I love when the viewer sees something from the vantage point of the character; it's the voyeur in me I guess.

So I only really knew of Pekar through the movie, but I happened to catch an episode of No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain in Cleveland, and Bourdain met with Harvey and Toby and they went to eat somewhere. The whole time Bourdain was with the two of them he was clearly having a blast. Plus Harvey yelled at

I want to be on Lemur's team. Can I borrow a Camel Light?

Peanut Butter M&Ms are the best variation from the original. I can eat an entire bag of those…and even Reese's Pieces give me a chocolate headache after awhile.

How sad is it that the only reference I have of Brian Blessed is either Robin of Locksley's father in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, or as the hunter in the Disney version of Tarzan?

Yay for the Hazards of Love! That album got me into the Decemberists, and I love it. I have found that once you listen to the entire album a couple times it works OK in shuffle. It's true though that it is better in its entirety.

@ A. Salieri:

Wow. I didn't know Bono read this site. Poor Bono. He just wants to be heard!

The real question will be is how worn out the Pirates series will be once the next one comes out. I fear they will go on forever, like Friday the 13th.

Man you guys like to argue about REM.

Wait, what's wrong with Out of Time? Texarkana is a good song.

So I leave for a few measly months only to come back and feel old? Sucks. I was born the fall after A New Hope came out (I was in utero when my parents saw it in the theater) and I still feel jealous of all the girls in 4th grade who wore Guess jeans. However, my husband was in his first year of college when I was

There will also be corn.

I'm with the group of souls who still like the music they listened to in high school. My Mp3 player is chock-a-block with Pearl Jam, STP, Smashing Pumpkins, and Bush, sadly. However, I stand by my grunge music and will put it up against any indie-intellectual band any day.

I submit the following
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't. That movie sucked all joy out of the season for me, and I didn't even make it through the first hour.

If you look closely, his decoder pin is stamped 1940. However, the book on which the movie is based takes place during the Depression. There is a fairly heartbreaking story about a government auction that Ralph and his friends witness.

The little piggy scene makes me LOL every time I watch it. And I just watched this the other day, and it was the first time I cried aloud when the Old Man points out the present behind the desk. His face as he's watching Ralphie open the gun and load it is just perfect.

Did anyone ever get their tongue stuck to Pudding Pops as a child?