
What's so annoying is when you're watching a marathon of shows on Bravo or We or wherever, and those screen ads come up after a 10 minute commercial break where they play ads for upcoming episodes of the show you're watching over and over and over. I understand that they are trying to make up for the DVR generation,

I really wish I could remember the movie I was watching one day where there was voiceover narration completely out of nowhere. It was right in the middle of the movie and was only for a little while. And then it stopped again. It was jarring and unnecessary and I can't remember for the life of me what it was called. I

"Men wearing nightcaps and nightgowns while carrying candles up flights of stairs to bed"

@Kills Owls, alternatively, I like the sound that gum bubbles make when they pop in movies. I wish my gum would snap like that when I blow bubbles. (Sorry, I think the foley sound for punching and gum bubble popping is similar and that's why I thought of it.)

Clearly the best open ending is in Manos: The Hands of Fate:

I think we can't have a good screwball comedy these days because there aren't real "ladies" in film anymore. And there aren't real "gentlemen" either. Everyone is more or less on the same playing field and it's not out of the ordinary for a woman to be a museum curator or a man to work in a shop. The sexual politics

You all seem to be missing the fact that S Jerusalem just described the plot of Baby Boom to a tee.

I never talked to any of my neighbors when I lived in apartments. My sister and I used to share an apt. and we once had to evacuate the building due to a fire alarm. We saw all the neighbors and wouldn't have been able to pick them out of a lineup.

I concur with the coffee-making-and-then-leaving thing. It also goes with any meal. Too many times do you see characters sitting down to a meal, only to leave immediately after it's prepared. Who doesn't eat? What is so important that time couldn't be taken to shovel in some food?

Damn. I wasn't the only one who thought of it. I was the most verbose.

How about this Jorge: you wax first, and then I'll wax. You get to start at the groin area, I get to start on the eyebrows.

All I can think of is the 1893 World's Fair Exposition in Chicago. It was much longer yes, but the only thing it spawned was a change in architectural styles and the Ferris Wheel. Well, it spawned a shitload more than that, but nothing like war or riots.

But look at all the sunshine! And you can pick coconuts right off the trees there!

Yes, ET, that is an option for you, but sadly, American society dictates that women must be smooth everywhere. Unless we are dirty hippies. If we were in Greece, us chicks could happily walk around with bushy legs, underarms, and upper lips and no one would think it odd or gross.

His chart is helpful
It will be a good visual aid when the repo men come to seize all of his property.

Everyone is seriously injured and/or dead, and the girl who was doing the texting gets airlifted out. And she yells a lot.

Eric Benet used to live next to my mom. She saw Halle Berry in a car once.

I suggest a marathon:

"You stole our idea, you damn thief!"

How did he ruin A Room With a View? He was creepy, sure, but not in a stalker-y way. Well, exactly in a stalker-y way, but that's kind of how he was supposed to be. Plus you got to see his wang.