
I have the full series
of My So-Called Life. I feel weird watching it alone. Who wants to come over and lust over Jordan Catalano with me?

Melrose Place
the knowledge that this show exists has bummed me out. That Ashlee Simpson is acting in it makes me want to stab myself in the eye.

You should. We miss you over there.

I think you mean:

I am just posting to say
that I have an irrational love for these guys. Especially Kevin, as he is the soul of Tom Servo. HI!

Uh, Mike was one of the first writes they got on the show, so to say that he is better or worse than Joel is kinda dumb. The best thing to do is to watch Mitchell and then watch The Brain That Wouldn't Die right after. Mitchell is the last Joel episode and Brain is the first Mike episode. You can see that Joel was

I'm going to respectfully disagree 100%. I would LOVE to see Into the Woods as a Burton film. I think that if he chose musical actors that can actually sing, it could be awesome. I could see Burton taking the stage feel and making the film a bit surreal (like having a fake cow). It could be really well done,

I was more bummed about Layne Staley than I was about Kurt Cobain. Layne was so dirty and raw…excuse me…

Here, I have one. All I can really say about this is that I love this man. I plan on purchasing the first 2 seasons today, and trying to get through them both before Sunday. This may prove to be way too ambitious.

Yeah I have always been more of a Pretty in Pink fan. The Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles is pretty much a big brat through the whole thing, and I'm sorry, but the guy is not that cute. The funniest parts are the grandparents.

I had a really boring, lousy day
and this trailer has restored my good humor. I am incredibly excited for this movie.

My picks
-Kate Winslet, because she can laugh at this business we call show.

Oh my god yes! He is fascinating, hilarious, and used to study opera. I would totally have a beer with that guy.

From what I've heard, he's a genuine guy. I think he is regularly harpooned in the media, and it's a shame. Scientology aside, he's one of the ones who always takes time to talk to fans, take pictures, sign things, and generally act grateful for the attention. I think if the cameras weren't on he would be very low-key.

Johnny Depp would be a good choice-I just read an interview done by one of Depp's friends, and they spent the interview going fishing off Depp's private island and talking about Hunter Thompson, who was another mutual friend. He sounds pretty mellow now, and could probably tell al ot of stories about the Viper Room

I heard that you were feeling ill, headache, fever, and a chill. I came to help restore your pluck, cause I'm the nurse who likes to…

Jeruselem, that was funny.

Someone do the WH Auden poem, After the Funeral.

This one looks interesting
I read "Enchantment" by Orson Scott Card, which used a lot of old Russian fairy tale themes to tell the story of Sleeping Beauty. It also featured Baba Yaga. This book sounds like the same feel.

In fact I do, Yeah That's Logical. That's why I don't shop at Radio Shack, Any store selling Dungeons & Dragons merchandise, and Game Stop.