
Why are all the dogs in this ad covered in hair? I know of many dog breeds that have very short hair and are perfect candidates for the Dog Snuggie. This just seems to be another case where cute dogs are taking the commercial roles that the ugly hairless dogs are more suited for. I predict an uprising amongst the

I forgot about Natalie Dee and Married to the Sea. Funny stuff.

I think my fear comes from the fact that people really do get attacked by bears, and I have been to Alaska, where Grizzlies are like unwanted members of the population. I have never had a reaction like this after watching a movie-I can watch Jaws and then go swimming, I can watch the Exorcist and then play with a

I waste time
After checking in at Facebook, AV Club, and my Hotmail account, I usually go to the following:

It's been a while since Sandler has done that little-kid voice. I'm no fan of it either but Punch Drunk love, Spanglish, Reign Over Me, hell even Big Daddy and 50 First Dates all features a more mature, normal Sandler. In fact I think his "normal" movies are starting to outnumber his "crazy" movies.

That article was longer than the movie.

I always thought Oscar Wilde could have benefited from a little well-placed Calypso.

Val Kilmer is good in Tombstone. That's all I'll give him.

Hey I like Batman! In fact, it would be even greater if Kim Basinger wasn't in it. Man, she's annoying.

Wait is that true? I never picked that up.

Um, I have admitted this before, but The Edge is the reason I currently have crippling nightmares about Grizzlies. Truly I wake up in a sweat every couple weeks after having a dream about a grizzly bear chasing me-I usually wake up right when the bear has got hold of my arm or leg.

Felt Pelt, the line is "Fuck me gently with a chain saw." You're welcome.

Open this door, you dead people, or we'll bust it down and we'll drag you out by the ropes you hanged yourselves with!

Yeah me neither. I looked him up and still I have no idea who this guy is. After reading that article though, I am incredibly glad I don't.

I find it odd and yet charming that Peter Billingsley is such good friends with Vince Vaughn. He just never looked like a kid who would have a friend like that.

Did you all forget that Jean Reno was in French Kiss? Not only did it star Meg Ryan-AKA Rom-Com gold-but it had Kevin Kline doing an embarrassingly bad "Fronch" accent!

We hit on the Mad Men generator before it even hit AV Club. It's all about Twitter baby!

Ok, that kind of skeezes me out to think that someone is taking such copious notes in order to "protect the children." I mean, not only are those descriptions incredibly graphic, but I get the feeling the person who is reviewing this movie is getting a little too much pleasure out of watching it. He notes things that

That fake cough thing is funny-my husband does community theater, and has taken roles in the past where the character has to smoke. EVERY time he would light up, someone would cough. The smoke would not even have to be in the audience yet; it was just a gut reaction from some of the old biddies that didn't approve of

The Rescuers, The Secret of NIMH, and American Tail are all jumbled in my head. What was it with mouse/rat related cartoons?