
I will only eat Peeps if they are stale. Then they remind me of Lucky Charms marshmallows with glittery sugar coating.

Does anyone
have a light?

Every time I see a clip of the show I remember how much I used to watch it as a kid. I had no idea it was a Canadian show.

Reading that section, did anyone have a flash thought that Paul McCartney had died? Going by the format of the other sections, I mean?

I don't feel rage at fans of jam bands. I choose not to participate in jam band concerts.

Any music that only sounds good while high is not good music. This applies to Phish, Grateful Dead, and String Cheese whatever.

Phish fans or anyone else that live a nomadic lifestyle don't necessarily have to be trust-fund babies. They just have to be comfortable with sleeping on the floor of stranger's homes and living solely on any scraps that people throw their way. I personally know people that are middle-class kids who decided to live

The reason that I hate Katherine Heigl is not that she is attractive, but that she has a job that thousands of people clamor for every day and instead of thanking her lucky stars that she has the opportunity to work her dream job, she whines about every role that she takes and basically acts like an ungrateful bitch.

I wonder that when a group of songs come on that share a commonality, like an acoustic guitar intro, or piano, or something like that. There will be times when I will shuffle through 4 or 5 songs that almost sound identical in the first few bars. Then I wonder if somehow the programming looks for common waves or

After a check of my list, the first song on the ABC list is actually #1 Crush by Garbage. Much cooler than Dave Matthews Band. So forget I said anything about DMB.

that should say TO and IF I, respectively.

I have a Zune ::ducks::
so there's an option ti "shuffle all" right on there. I I didn't choose this option and played the "all albums" category, the first song would be Stinkfist by Tool off the album Aenema. If I played the songs alphabetically, I believe the song that would come on would be #34 by Dave Matthews

I thank the gods above
that this movie is now released and will no longer be discussed on this site. If I have to hear any more about that raging moron named Katherine Heigl and her stupid face it will be too soon.


I used to be you, Sheltie. I could eat anything and everything, at any time of day, and not have to worry about gaining weight.

And yet you're not offended by the OG commercials where they show the "culinary school" in Italy where they supposedly send all the Olive Garden "chefs".

I get cravings for Taco Bell now and again-usually after drinking a lot-and it always always sounds like the best idea. Soft tacos, nachos supreme, 7 layer burrito; they all sound great.

Guys, none of this stuff is healthy. None. The reason that fast-food places, casual dining restaurants, "fast-casual" places exist is because people are lazy. End of story. But at least at Panera, QDoba, etc. you get to watch the assembly and the ingredients are fresh. No dietician is going to recommentd any of these

Sincere, that's awesome. I'll have to check that out. Nothing's smarter than subtle in-jokes.

That's actually the third sentence of the article, so failed thirdsies I guess.