
Do any fellow Wisconsinites remember the "scandal" that occured when the white-haired guy tried to retire? They had replaced him with a girl in glasses, and their sales dropped-according to the gossip. He had to come back and do more ads. Now it's just a voiceover. I miss his crazy, crooked grin. It always looked like

ZMF, you are my hero. Thanks for the links!

To our allies across the pond
are Silk Cut any good? I have a yearning to try them, because of all the Brit-Chick-Lit I read. All the girls smoke Silk Cut Ultra.

Jay Oaks, you are a moron.

Thanks Zodiac. The feeling is mutual AS FUCK.

Thanks for that link. I like that he goes off on tangents. I talk like that a lot.

Thanks to all. I believe I read at least part of the commencement speech online right after Wallace died, but since it was a speech, I didn't really place that as a good example of his writing style. I am intrigued and now encouraged to read Infinite Jest this summer!

oh God, Hostel was brutal! I watched it while on vacation (not in Prague) and it was awesomely disgusting!

Daunting is the correct term
I have looked at and pondered buying Infinite Jest a number of times, and just can't bring myself to do it. It is certainly a commitment, and I'm not sure whether I have the stamina. I'm glad that this is here though-starting with something a bit lighter will be a good indicator on whether

In other news, I have to go to the bathroom.

Men get the Marlboro Man
and we chicks get stuck with those broads in the Virginia Slim ads. No wonder no women smoke those bitch sticks.

My middle name is Estonian, and is spelled Liis. I am all for superfluous vowels.

Wayne's World.

I was saying "Jinx, you owe me a Coke" with my friends when I was in like 3rd grade-WAY before the Office and the Simpsons. I don't remember it coming from a commercial, but it may have.

That sounds like the best thing ever. Really.

I don't want to be someone who corrects people's quotes, but I believe Pee Wee says, "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel."

That trick never works!

Do we HAVE to hear the kissing parts?

What's that alluring scent you're wearing?

I say "I'm confused!" in the old-man voice when I'm, you know, confused.