
You two are just dumber than a box of hammers!

Thanks AV Club
for indulging my love of reading and writing and learning about the authors of the book I like. Great interview; she seemed quite interesting to talk to .

I spent a large portion of high school quoting lines from the TV edit of Ferris Beuller's Day Off:

Tasha, you may not see this
but my husband and I use "Thank you Easter Bunny! Bock Bock!" line constantly! I just want to reassure you that there are others like you out there.

Here's the problem I have. Isn't The Thinker housed in France? Perhaps at the Musee D'Orsay? I'll checkā€¦

Between the FB and the POS, I am thinking FOX just wanted to freak out the parents a little more. Every acronym is not dirty.

Why do we need a new number for that? 69 has always worked for me.

Yes, Anne of Cleves got the best deal. She never had to sleep with him, she was soon revered as the King's own sister, and spent the rest of her life acting as a mother-type to Elizabeth and Mary, comfortably in England.

I would watch Ovation a lot more if they didn't play more commercials than show. I swear, five minutes of show, five minuts of the same four commercials, repeat.

eh. Just watch Boyz N the Hood.

All I know is I know someone who read both books, and has stated that Angels & Demons is the better story. Which makes sense, since that was Browns' debut, and debuts in general tend to be better. There is no publishing house or editor breathing down the author's neck yet.

The only thing that remains in my mind after watching this movie was Paul Bettany flogging himself with a cat-o-nine tails.

Who like the ants? They were ridiculous. At least in Temple of Doom the used real insects. Raiders-real snakes. Last Crusade-real rats. Crystal Skull-enormous, CG ants. Why? Why not just film real ants and fill it into the film? Why? Because Georgie wants his CG.

Yay partdavid!

I stand by the deliciousness that is the Shandy.

Yes, ET, but I can't stand Miller Lite. I will drink it if other people are buying, but I would rather have High Life. I think it's the biker side of me that only comes out when I'm drinking High Life.

This game makes me angrier than the ad I saw once for pink tools.

Hey I'm all for small-batch beers and microbrews, but sometimes I don't feel like spending $7.00 to drink beer. That's where Miller High Life comes in. It's cheap, and cold, and is readily available in almost every bar I go to.

Miller Chill, which used to be OK to my unsophisticated palate, has changed its recipe to taste more like Bud Light Lime. This was a bad idea.

I'm just glad I no longer have band, and will actually be able to catch the pilot tonight. That being said, by the time it comes back on, I will no longer be able to watch as band will have started again.