
I'm a Flibbertygibbet.

One of my favorite stories involved Dustin Hoffman. The director (I forget who) asked Dustin to portay a certain emotion for his character. Dustin wondered aloud how he was expected to feel this way having never actually experienced said emotion. The director said something like, "I don't know, why don't you try

SYZH, you are a bastard and I hope you die by sheep-puppet suffication. I will not be able to stop singing that song now.

Has no one read Invisible Monsters? Did I pick the worst one to read? Because I picked it up after reading the first couple pages, and ended up reading the whole book in one sitting. Which ones should I read next? I assume Lullaby, since that title comes up the most. I love the twist at the end of Monsters, and going

I saw No Doubt open for Bush, on the tour where they met. (Awww..) I was a fan in high school, but I was confused by them getting back together. I thought the band hated Gwen for getting famous. But whatever. Between No Doubt and Paula Abdul, it was like I was a kid again!

OtP, if you pay my plane fare to HI, I'm yours. Your sister and mine can watch Dane Cook movies, and we can laugh at them whilst sipping Pina Coladas. (I assume that's all you do there right?)

I said this on Twitter yesterday
that my sister has seen this movie, and not only did she find it hilarious, she finds Dane Cook to be hot. I mena HAWT.

But what about "LA Story"? She was charming! And probably one of the first MPDG examples.

I only worry that the shows like this that they play on History are taken as fact-some of them seem to be filmed in the same way as the actual history programs and I'm sure there are people who are worried about the giant wave that is on its way to New York.

Just hope, tristiac, that your tattoo doesn't get moldy and slowly disintegrate.

Thanks all. It was my first troll-I wanted to ignore, but just couldn't.

I am very excited for HP6.

Alright, for some reason I am going to respond again. My husband was diagnosed with ADD when he was in his 30s. He realized that this was part of the reason that he didn't enjoy reading books. He is also an actor and director, and spends most of his time reading scripts. Reading, dissecting, blocking, and re-reading

fair enough. And may I just say: HARRY FUCKING POTTER back.

Wow I am wounded! Cheaphap, you have shown me the truth. I will run home and divorce my loving, funny husband and find myself a judgemental asshole-great idea!

Yeah I've never wanted to dip bread into my bowl of Fettuccini Alfredo, but many many people dip bread into soup.

Lelaina, if we promise to pay you back will you spot us a pizza?

Setting aside the Catholic comment, Tarkovsky could be my ex-boyfriend. A lot of argument with no real direction. And lots and lots of self-righteousness.

In no way do these look remotely appetizing. Someone above noted that if the picture looks like that, and that is supposed to sell the product, I can't imagine what these look like in real life.

I'll back you up. I like his comedic timing. And he is a cutie.