
To be fair, Travolta is a sort-of real looking workaday guy. At least more than Denzel Washington. But certainly less than Mickey Rourke or whoever was in the other versions.

The phrase "turns out it was date rape not 'real rape'" is making the rage rise in my body. Is that really what the book is about? Is that what all these women read about? ARGH!

ET: that pic of Nelson looks like he is channelling his inner Michael Bolton. What is it with the guys who are losing the hair on top and decide to grow it long in the back?

I will stand by my like for Sandra Bullock. She could be a lot worse. Her movies are cute, but I like those kind of movies sometimes. Besides, I have seen Two Weeks Notice more than once and I think it's funny.

Domino, I think you are in the minority there. Cuaron's film was the closest to that point of getting the feel of the school, the surrounding countryside, and the kids' personalities right, IMO. It is a flipping beautiful film. I enjoyed 5 too, and am completely geeking out about the upcoming Half-Blood Prince, but no

I will say this for DaVinci Code. My husband wasn't much of a reader; he didn't like books, couldn't keep focused on one, etc. He read DaVinci Code in Mexico while we were on vacation, and it did this: it kept him interested enough to want to read more about other things, written by better writers. He is by no means

I watched Night at the Museum. I didn't hate it. There were some funny parts (none of which included Ben Stiller) and it was cute. I watched it for what it was. A family movie. I will probably see the sequel, but not at the theater. I will get the DVD for $5 or something.

If any of this is actually true, I am getting one.

Didn't that guy die recently?

PS, not Crum Bum.

I love this thread. Except for you, unregistered troll.

I don't know, who would want to tell him his pass was rescinded?

I got one!
Grace Slick. Sure, she was in Starship and gave us the absolutely shitty "We Built This City", But she was also in Jefferson Airplane and gave us Surrealistic Pillow. Cancels out the 80s crap.

I am sad for the person who only knows Hugh Laurie because of House. Wooster and Jeeves? Blackadder? Hell, even Sense and Sensibility.

They gave a reason for getting rid of Ask the AV Club. They were getting a lot of repeat questions, and then fewer and fewer questions period. They have put it on hiatus-it's not gone for good. Until every question cannot be answered with "Ray Bradbury" or "Unico," they will keep it off the site.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Madonna here. She has consistently bucked-and sometimes created-the trends and doesn't have a pesky pedophile case following her around like another 80s superstar I can think of.

I second Tom Cruise. That is all.

Huh. I just watched Glory last night, and was reminded of Andre's quiet greatness.

Zilcho has it right. Lucas has legions of fans who would have willingly done his bidding for all eternity, and then he messed with the only thing he was worshiped for. I am a girl, who knows very little of the culture of Str Wars, and even I cannot watch the "new" Original trilogy without dying a little inside. For

Someone said the Beatles, but what about Paul McCartney? Does he get a pass even though he brought us Wings? And made everyone aware of Heather Mills?