
I saw that movie. It was not so good.

Man there are some dressed up people on the Hater today!

I was never totally in love with Lady and the Tramp until I got a puppy spaniel, and he sounded exactly liked Lady when he cried. Now the movie makes me cry every time.

And Keith Coogan, who also got to be kid being babysat in Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's dead. Weird considering he was already 17 in that movie…

Exactly! How much more badass can you get in a kid's movie from 1959?

Thanks Futurechimp…I know the names of just a few buildings in the city, but I know what they look like! I never thought about the intimidation factor-but the station parts were pretty scary for a kid from the burbs, you gotta admit.

Nice to see BBC love on here (the club, not the channel). Thinking back I think I liked Stacey the best, but I don't think I could have been friends with any of them in school. It was also hard to believe all the stuff they went through before they even hit the age of 14.

Sleeping Beauty is one of the most beautiful Disney movies ever to be released, and one the Oscar for best score. It has the best villan, the pricess doesn't say too much, the prince doesn't talk almost at all, and the King is adorable. My favorite ever.

Adventures in Babysitting was the go-to movie for every one of the sleepovers I hosted as a girl. It is pure awesome, and I can't go to Chicago now and not think of that building (Wrigley Building?) as the Babysitting building.

That's funny, mine was an Olay ad.

Dave, you forgot to add an hilarously flamboyant sidekick with wacky glasses…

It's odd they didn't mention that the spirit guide-person in this is played by Brian Doyle-Murray, and he looks to be a kind of opposite Clarence.

Not proud to know this, but I think Lennon plays Matthew Perry's friend, who Zac Ephron askes to pose as his father when he goes to school. And for some reason wears a Flock of Seagulls haircut.

It wasn't this guy, but I think that was the inspiration for this awful commercial. That video was hypnotizing and had beautiful music. This video features a face I want to punch repeatedly, then take a razor and shave all the hair off of. (Bad sentence, couldn't end it…)

Ah Richard Scarry! The Little Monster books were everywhere when I was growing up! That and the large books about the zoo, trucks, etc. were essential to my upbringing.

The AV Club: cheapest therapy around.

Ah, thanks. I gotta say, not real impressed with him as a teen; maybe as a littler kid his work would have made more of an impression. As it was though, I spent many an afternoon making fun of his cheesy mustache and narration.

Oh I had Fudge too! Also, Cleary wrote Henry and Ribsy and Ralph S Mouse too, so there is a bit of Cleary for boys.

Wait I'm confused. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars: original trilogy all the way. Star Trek: Kirk for the campiness, Captain Janeway for the feminism (sorry, I liked Voyager)

Hey congrats! Here's to a long life of impressing on your offspring all things hip.