
That somehow reminds me of my mother's love for The Dick Van Dyke Show. They show reruns now on a local station, and there is not one line or plot point I can give her that would stump her. It's endearing. Also, MASH.

David Macauley-is he the one who wrote Pyramid and the accompaning video? If so, I had to watch that, and his other one that I can't remember, in high school. in tenth grade.

Thank you lex, I now have the theme to "321 Contact" in my head. That's a good thing.

Wow. Tha last sentence should read, "though if I could get…" sorry for the mixed pronouns, etc.

I am very excited to have kids, so that I can watch the Backyardigans without judgement being passed by my husband. I love them! They have the cutest little voices, and they do things that kids should do-imagine things and play outside.

My 12-year-old brother knows more Beatles lyrics that I ever will, all thanks to our father. I'm not sure what his movie-viewing education is, but I imagine there is a lot of action films and Tom Hanks movies.

It's the Wrong Trousers, Gromit! And they've gone wrong!

My dad has every John Wayne movie; I have only seen The Man WHo Shot Liberty Valence. My mother's favorite movie while I was growing up was Somewhere in Time. *Yawn*

I loved Henry Sugar! And Boy, and Charlie, and the BFG, and the Witches. Definitely will be required reading for my kids, whenever they show up. I think a healthy dose of fear is important for kids-too many kids today are too bold.

My parents made me go to church every Sunday; my father now makes his son go too. We were all baptised, confirmed, etc. and most of us kids don't go to church often. But once I have kids, I will take them to church every SUnday. I will also give them access to history, and the knowledge that other religions are also

Chubby, I completely understand where you are coming from re: the fertility thing. I am waiting a couple more months before we go in for serious fertility testing, and seeing stupid teen girls with kids they don't know how to raise and don't know how to prevent just raises my hackles. Good luck with the adoption-i

I appreciate those recommendations, phel. I will listen to them when I have sound….

I am a fan of chanson, though I don't have any recordings personally. I will certainly give these a try…and boo that I can't listen to the samples at work.

who is Al Michaels going to talk to now? I hope they put someone like Rich Eisen on Monday Night Football-or Sunday night, or whatever damn day it's on. He's funny.

I realize I just posted a long comment about Rocky on the AI article, and I am sorry. Go Adam! Boo to Gokey! etc. etc.

I will say that Rocky IV is good, mostly because of Drago, but as we watched the films, it was so much more obvious that the fights were not as realistic as the first ones. They started to get more sensational and less believable. I realize Rocky is the symbol of America in IV, but there is no way in reality he would

Dammit, I meant to write "bobbing boat".

Once more, ZMF speaks the truth. Case in point: Somali pirates holding the captian of the Maersk were shot IN THE HEAD from 75 FEET AWAY by Navy SEALS, while they were in a boboing boat. Bad-fucking-ass.

Describing Zac Ephron as this generation's Michael J Fox was inspired, Claire. I approve.

I was put through the entire Rocky gamut, and my favorite of the middle ones is Rocky III. You really can't get more 80s fabulous than Mr T AND Hulk Hogan. I do like the original, but oddly, I like it more having seen Rocky Balboa (VI). The two are good bookends for the series.