
I just finished On Beauty, and really don't know what to think about it. It was not the type of book I usually read; it was well-written, but I don't know if I just didn't really understand it, because I don't think I knew what was going on by the time I finished it. Also, I tend to read mostly right before I go to

The problem with Opera Book Club books is that now the seal is actually printed on the cover. I hate to read a book and have people think I am only reading it because Oprah said it was good. On the other hand, she has introduced classic novels like East of Eden and Anna Karenina to women who would have otherwise spent

I read a lot of female authors, though they are more the chick-lit variety,and so I will not mention them here. I am a big fan of Barbara Kingsolver, and any of her books are worthy of discussion. I personally recommend The Poisonwood Bible, Prodigal Summer, or her non-fiction book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle; that's

So happy to have others here that loved DITWC as much as I do. Also, good to know on his others. I keep meaning to give his other two a try, but always find a different book that needs my more immediate attention.

Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, and Laura Ingalls Wilder were the only authors I remember reading religiously all through childhood. Less of the teen sex novels with Judy Blume, more of the Fudgemania Judy Blume.

Amen. If they cut all of the patter that Ryan does before each song, after each song, before each commercial break-damn, he's talking more than all of them! You would think that as a DJ he would understand about time constraints. I say just let Ryan give the names of the contestants, cut out the ridiculous, redundant

Not sure if it qualifies as "Classic"
but I would love to talk about Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. If you put that on the list I would love you all forever. I have read it 4 times, and loved it more each time.

High School Required Reading:

Duly noted.

Me too! Well, not the tearing part, but I am excited to be able to be involved in coversations on here. I am always so behind on movies, TV, and music, but I can read a book in a couple days.


Wow, OtP, get out of my head!

But there is an arguement that 42nd Street spawned other musical films like Wizard of Oz, considering it came out six years earlier. I'm no film student, but I think they're looking for genre pioneers more than popularity.

If I have to avoid watching the edited version of The Godfather on AMC one more time, I don't even know what I'm going to do. It's like there's a monkey working the schedule over there sometimes. Seriously though, that damn movie is on every weekend, and I don't want to watch it until my husband sees it for the first

I think Chubby here has revealed her identity to be Bridget Jones.

That movie was on SciFi (SyFy) a couple weeks ago. It was gross and unbelievable, and kind of awesome. Probably cooler if it wasn't edited.

The Weirdest Movie I ever saw on TCM
was The Brain That Wouldn't Die. Robert Osbourne had as his guest John Landis, who swore that this film horrified him as a child. The look and reaction of Mr Osbourne was great; he was like, "Well, here we go…onto the film…" He couldn't really think of what to say. I personally had

Hey I have Dish NEtwork and I get both AMC and TCM. I assure you all that if I weren't able to receive those channels I would put a call into the Dish and demand them. I also get the fabulous IFC, but am denied the Sundance Channel. Whatever…

Yeah I can't relate to anyone who can't drink beer. Nothing is better (or more economical) that a frosty beer on a hot day. Plus, I just jumped on Hoegaarden wagon, and I have to say, it is heaven on a bottle.

I love that lady! I would much prefer that lady to be in my bed when I wake up than that horrifying king from the BK.