

My mother actually introduced me to TMBG. She would listen to this little AM station that played obscure alternative music (like "Detachable Penis) and heard Birdhouse…she told me about it and I have loved them since.

ooh me too! Completely insane!

I think I posted something similar to this on the ER thread. I first found this site while looking for Dan Savage, and that was back in the days of Tinky-I had no idea what the hell anyone was talking about, but it was really hard to just sit and not say anything.

I am extremely glad to hear the Faerie Tale Theatre is on DVD. I flippin' LOVED that show.

Is "Feed the Kitty" the one with Sampson thinking his kitty friend was baked into cookies? Because hell yes if it is.

I read Harry Potter Book 6 in one sitting. I would be embarrassed, but I used up all of that on the first page of comments.

I don't want to experience MST3k again for the first time, I want to be able to experience it now, on TV, late at night, knowing more about what the hell they were referencing all the time. I was something like 15 when I first saw an episode, and while I appreciated the idea, I really didn't get many of the jokes,

See, I think TDK lived up to all the expectations I had going in. Ledger was brilliant, and I don't say that because he died. He just was.

The Truman Show is great! I know what you mean by slow reveal. The audience knows going in, but Truman doesn't really figure it out till the near end, and doesn't even really believe it until he hits the wall. And the score is gorgeous.

The Exocist is a good one. Another one of those movies that require a sense of innocence to watch it. So many movies are more gory, have more startling moments, etc. that Exorcist can be considered boring. To me it's the scariest movie I've ever seen, and the anniversary edition with the extra scenes added just make

Let me confess something right now: I have not seen The Wire. I have not seen Memento. I have not seen There Will be Blood. I have not seen Rushmore. I saw only the first half of the first season of Lost. I have only heard "Walk This Way" by Run DMC. I read Catcher in the Rye and didn't really get it. In fact, the

Goodbye ER
I was happy to watch the entire thing last night, even though I hadn't watched regularly since Dr Greene died. I caught episodes on TNT and could glean what was happening, so I didn't feel really left out last night.

Was Jerry in some Hospital Community theater production of Zeus? His beard even had little curls at the bottom. It was incredibly well-maintained.

Bloody Pirates!

OtP: I am honored and endebted to you, good sir.

@PW, I'm glad.

I don't like that guy's face
and why do they look like they're waiting in line at a urine testing place?

Where's the rimshot guy from yesterday?

Clearly you didn't see the first one, where they spend about 20 minutes jumping back and forth from Honda Civics and a Semi Truck Cab. While the trucker was shooting at them with a huge-ass rifle.