

Keira Knightly
has the same haircut as I do.

I forgot abot Sixth Sense! I cary at the end, but I also cry when he runs from his room and hides behind the couch after he sees a ghost go in. He is so small and looks like my little brother so much, that I just wnt to hold him till he feels better. And any scene with Toni Collette while she's trying to figure out

I liked the movie
and I liked the sequel. I never saw the Tokyo one, because after the scene in 2F2F with the rat, the pail, and the blowtorch, I didn't think there was any other story to tell.

with cars! That go fast!

She had a list of geeky coffee house guys, and you were on it, but she bumped you for that guy over there.

YAY! Claire said I was funny! Claire, I follow your tweets. I don't even watch AI, but I always read your reviews. It's like I'm there!

@Rabble Rabble

Oh God there are so many movies now that make me cry that I can't even list them all. At this point, pretty much any movie with a good score will make me tear up, whether it's a happy ending, sad ending, or poignant conversation. A sampling:
Schindler's List-Itzhak Perlman's violin
Finding Nemo-Thomas Newman (Thomas? or

Dammit, I haven't even seen this movie and the above just gave me chills.

It also gained popularity with the teens when LC and whatever douche she was hanging with sang it during Laguna Beach, or The Hills. Whichever.

I clicked on just as the very last violin notes were played. My husband swore that she had just finished singing "Devil Went Down to Georgia." That is the only song he knows that has a violin in it.

I saw an ad for (against) cyberbullying. If you shouldn't say it, you shouldn't type it, or something. Can't really remember; the seizure shook it out of me.

Congrats! You have arrived!

Seriously Tom, what is the deal? I have nothing else to barf…wait…

Wait, what's a crampon? Is that a real thing?

Thanks for reminding me of that horrible, horrible thing, e2p.

I know. I have been avoiding looking at it since. Someone mentioned the idea that it's not real food in the photos and they're most likely mock-ups. In that case, what would they have to use for the spoo? Rubber cement?

But wait-
no video of the AV Club Rock Band version? What gives?

The just unchained him from his desk; he hasn't eaten for 3 days and needed the protein.