
I'm sorry, but the clip of Ozzy throwing fries into someone's car made me laugh. Ozzy kind of makes me laugh in general. He's just so cartoony!

Did no one read what Karatloz was watching instead? "Cooking with Smegma"? Is that a real thing? I sincerely hope not, because I have to go barf now. I am reminded of the scene in Van Wilder where they give the frat the "fresh" eclairs. ::urp::

I am thoroughly jealous of Yummsh! and his trip to Disneyland. Was it a free trip on your birthday thing? Because that to me sounds like the best birthday present ever.

I caught an episode of The F Word, and the opening credits have a nice extended shirt-removing scene. It's like that show had to exploit Gordon's love of stripping. It's great!

That article is a bit misleading, to say the least. Others have mentioned it, but most of the restaurants that failed after Ramsey's visit were most likely due to stubborn owners. Many of the restaurants listed in the linked article were revisited by Ramsey 6 months to a year after his first visit, and many of them

Sorry, ba is right. Otto on the Simpsons says it.

I saw Prince getting into a limo at the Minneapolis/ St Paul Intl Airport. He was not wearing purple. He is very tiny.

@ Riff: I am ashamed to say that I am guilty of cutsey FB stasuses regarding my husband. However, I maintain that they were done ironically and for the purpose of making everyone else sick. Please don't throw me out…I can change I swear!


I too have found lots of poeple on FB that I haven't seen since high school. They are all more successful than I am, having gotten degrees, steady jobs, kids, dogs, etc. It is a little disconcerting. But it is nice to know that the people I thought were going to die of alcohol poisoning as a result of hazing didn't

Wrong Wrong Wrong
It's ridiculous to pair up big guys with big girls. Why not have "real" women date a beefcake-type guy? Or have hot chicks date "Kevin-James" type guys? The show still seperates the "beautiful" from the "average." How annoying. However, since I fall well outside the "normal" size 2, I guess I should

OOH! I forgot-what about Paradise Theater by Styx? Ok, I know no one listens to Styx, blah blah blah, but that album tells a story that only makes sense if the album is played all the way through.

Sadly, Wyclef's Carnival is the only album on this list that I have heard in its entirety. However, after the first listen, I haven't listened to the whole thing again. I prefer to have the actual songs on my Mp3 instead of those skits coming up all the time. I like to shuffle, because there is always the tiny

I'm going to throw in Queen-Night at the Opera.

Where's ZMF? He's been waiting all day…

I skip Catching Trouble as much as possible-the only funny parts are when the announcer calls the animal catcher his "boyfriend" and when Joel repeatedly apologizes to the robots and the audience.

The Valentine's Day episode where Niles is getting ready for a dinner date at Frasier's house-hilarity ensues. The dog sells it.

That was just on TCM.

How about "Duck Season?" Elmer Fudd, Bugs and Daffy all together!

I used to work with a girl named Andi, and every time she would come into work I would call out her name like Simone does in Pee-Wee. It's hard to write down, but if you know, then you know.