
The Seinfeld where Elain is trapped on the subway on her way to a wedding-all of her dialogue is in her head, and she gets more and more irate the longer she waits. Her screaming thoughts while her face remains calm is gold.


Hey, if anyone sees an "e" lying around, bring it over. I seem to have dropped one.

The shorts on MST3k get me more than all the episodes I think.

There is a line in a book I have read numerous times that just makes me gasp with laughter. The narrator is looking over a personal ad application and under the Dislikes section, the applicant wrote, "people who picked they're nose's." For some reason, the horrible puctuation and her reaction to it sets me off. I' m

I loved Tony Slattery! He never would have worked on the Drew version of the show; he was too dirty for American TV. He and Proops and Ryan Stiles were great together on the original.

I believe the song title you are looking for is "Nothingman." That is actually the best song. Thanks for playing.

Even the official video for Evenflow is pretty much him climbing the proscenium into a balcony box. When he wasn't climbing around, he was writhing on the floor or channeling his inner Joe Cocker. He's fun to watch.

I was a pure TEN fan, for most of high school (92-96). I would listen to it on cassette every morning while walking to and from school. To this day, there are a couple songs that can take me back to 6:30 am on the sidewalk.

Hey I'm listening to Winamp right now!

It's not David Caruso yelling. It's Roger Daltrey. The song they use for the opening credits is "Won't Get Fooled Again." The song always starts right at Roger's scream, right after David Caruso makes his often punny statement and whips off his sunglasses.

Yeah me too. I was excited to see a movie about the Swing Jazz era, and was visually assaulted by scantily-clad bottoms!

@ Harbinger, I realize that most of the portraits are of Henry as a bit older, but the main hereditary trait the Tudors were known for was their red hair and fair coloring. It's just a little annoying that they didn't try to find someone with that coloring for this series or that movie. Hell, they got Robert Shaw to

I was finishing off the little CSI: Miami quote that poop dick started. Dave Caruso's full-of gravity selivery followed by The Who. Look, if you don't know, I can't really explain.

Yeah I don't think I could get past the fact that Jonathan Rhys-Myers looks NOTHING like Henry VIII. It's a little thing, but I never pictured Henry VIII as dark and brooding. More of a chubby, bearded, jokester who acted like a big baby most of the time.

I saw that Captain. Die in a parked car, cancerAIDS coursing through your withered body, etc., etc.

Yummsh, in case you were still wondering, your eye teeth are the pointy ones in front, also known as incisors.

Adam was clearly channeling early Wayne Newton.

From that all-knowing site,

I hate those pop-ups in YouTube videos now. Do people have such extreme ADD that they can't make a 2 minute video without refrencing another one on top of it?