

Stop picking your ass!

I sit next to a very large window, and I got to see a guy pick his ass this morning. That's how awesome my job is!

Paget Brewster was on Friends for a few episodes. Probably before this show. The girls all really liked her and tried to talk the writers into adding her as a regular, but the writers said no, and she was written off by cheating on Chandler. She was good, and would have fit in with the cast…

The ghost of Pavorotti will now haunt everyone on this thread.

I thought a Chav was a general trashy person, you know, fake tan, long scary nails, huge dyed hair, bitchy attitude. I got that from this:

Come to Milwaukee! You can buy any alcoholic beverage pretty much anywhere, and you can drink beer at the Zoo!

Let me assure you, people in Milwaukee, East Side or not, are not jealous of people in Chicago. We have an immeasurable hatred for all Chicago douches who come to our fine city, drink our beer, and generally act like assholes.

I am actually glad I just spent the last 45 minutes reading all of that vitriol. I now know the origin of Rape Baby and Wentz (v), and reading everyone's hate was quite cathartic.

If I drink cocktails, or if someone else is paying, it's Tanquaray and tonic. If I am paying, it's Miller High Life.
At no time will I do a tequila shot, because it makes me stabby.

A roommate that I had for about 3 months decided she was a vegetarian, and started to cook (read: burn) tofu concoctions that stank up the apartment. Also, as a result of her new diet, she started to have a problem with really noxious gas. It was great.

Did anyone read the NY Times article
that was linked in the interview? I really don't think I have read anything more ridiculous. The writer made really shaky comparisons to Tonto and Dick Cheny, and the whole thing was written like a 12th Grade paper. Is the possible return of the talk show sidekick really an

Can I see it?

PW, I would be insulted, but my average when I used to bowl was around 89, so Obama would kick my ass.

link, please. couldn't find you! I need to know what you are thinking!!

Sorry. I took a shot. I haven't seen them all. I for one would prefer Pop-Up Video to come back, like someone above said.

at the risk of being laughed at (again), I would suggest Barenaked Ladies. Not that one of the origianl members has been arrested for cocaine possession and now left the band, they have a bit of drama. Plus, their piano player is in remission from Lukemia, so there's that too.

All I know about Brad Paisley is that he is married to Kimberly Williams, who was the bride in Steve Martin's Father of the Bride.

She was in Love, Actually as well. I know the movie is hipster poison, but there is a good scene where she is the main focus-on video. (Sorry, not naked.)