
I didn't even think of that…not to be rude, but I would feel a tiny bit happy if they played the Bay City Rollers at her funeral. Art imitating life and all of that…

I read that she was airlifted to NY so that her boys could say goodbye. I don't know if that's accurate, but it's still very sad.

Wow. I thought my friends and I were the only ones to remember and love that song. See also: Set Adrift on Memory Bliss by PM Dawn.

If you aren't supposed to listen to Tool on shuffle, I must have really broken the rules by only ripping the songs I really liked, and not all of the inbetween stuff-mostly because I shuffle all songs, and it would be really weird to suddenly hear a baby crying or a Jacob's Ladder sound effect out of nowhere. (both

Yes. I had to turn this off. I admit to watching this show in the past, because the first time I watched it they showed a stuation where a guy on a blind date "drugs" his date's drink while she is in the bathroom, and one of the observers got really pissed. But this one is just dumb. It was embarrassing for the

I'd rather my kids grow up watching classic Disney movies that half the crap they show on Nickelodeon. Or, ironically, the Disney Channel. The old films and original Wonderful World of Disney didn't pander to kids; they spoke to them like they were actual humans with thoughts and feelings, and taught lessons along

Thank you Isis! I thought that name sounded like poison! Hey, maybe Lindsey has an aphid problem…

Sorry, Orange, but Lindsey Lohan is anything but cute, red-headed, or pale-skinned. She dyed her hair blonde and stopped eating, and now looks like a plucked chicken. With a fake tan. Just watch Mean Girls again and don't think about the fact that Linds now looks like a bobblehead.

We bought the DVD of the show for my father-in-law for Christmas. He is a man who will watch something once. He watched the entire series 3 times in a two week period. He has also seen Walk the Line about 4 times. He likes Johnny Cash.

The thing that gets me about this show is that most of the artists that they pick, would they have to audition for Simon, would never get a contract. At least not with the fuzzy criteria that they require. Think about it. Johnny Cash would not make it past the first audition!

I saw only the end of the episode, and heard just the snippets of all the songs that they play while showing the phone numbers. I am worried that Adam may have burned a bridge with that version. Jenny is right. He took a simple song and glammed it up to fit his song style. And why would a guy with one of the highest

No one will see this now…
but I just found it. It ties in a lot of horrible things: Slater, Sandra, cookies shaped like bugs, and confetti:

::cue tinkly, gentle piano music::

Tom, you know an awful lot about PW's apartment; are you conducting some sort of undercover investigation? Or are you there right now, sneaking comments from your iPhone?

Am I the only one who reads the word "lunged" with a soft "g"? I have a picturew in my head of Kelly doing some sort of dominatrix exercise.

See, Riff, I can relate. But I haven't ever said to myself, "You know, this insane food creation would make a great TV show." This woman makes Rachel Ray look like a culinary wizard.

I second this.

Boi Gringo has a quote from the ten or so episodes where Elizabeth Berkely and Tiffani-Amber Thiessen were replaced by that biker girl. Another re-tool, though temporary. They never explained why the girls left, another girl showed up, they all graduated, and then the two girls came back and they all graduated again.

I thought of a giant egg yolk.

I think that question can be answered with one word: