
I have a good movie-watching-in-high-school experience. My Comp teacher in 11th Grade had us read Streetcar Named Desire, and then watch the film. She declared her love for Marlon Brando, and so we watched On the Waterfront and The Wild One. During the first half hour of the Wild One, the teacher decided the movie was

Someone up there had a story about a cell phone ringing during a movie. I am reminded of a horrible experience. I was on a date with a guy I had met two nights before. We went to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That is not the horrible part. In the AMC cinemas (and probably all the others) they show what looks like

I am a Ferguson fan too. Did you see the show he did right after his dad died? It was so touching and yet funny, that even though I hadn't really watched before, I was totally warmed to him after. Plus he has the cutest accent! (Sorry for the girliness right there…)

Just a little share
I was extremely excited to see this feature today, because she is one of the famous people that I actually got to talk to while working in the Minneapolis/St Paul airport. She bought some earrings from me-and got my attention by standing in the doorway and shouting, "Hey you! How much are these

Yes. Whenever I hear the word "cougar" I tend to think of a woman who is clearly in her 50s and trying to look younger; ie. by over-tanning, wearing low-cut tops that show way too much wrinkly bosom, and long, thin cigarettes. This woman looks too young. She could pass for 35. That to me does not say cougar.

I'm going to flog myself for knowing this, but
Kim Kardashian's sister's named is spelled Khloe. I will now quietly beat myself for knowing ths tiny bit of useless trivia.

I thought of one thing I have that would qualify. I have a shirt that I bought after seeing a small concert at First Avenue in Minneapolis-the upstairs stage. At this concert was a little known group called Fall Out Boy. The shirt I bought has the phrase "get out of my dreams and into my car" on the front. It is

I'm very cute, I'm very alone, and I'm very protective of my body. I NEED HELP! SPEAK ANY ENGLISH!!????

Thanks Elusive Robert, I wasn't really aiming that toward you anyway. I guess to me, BNL is my equivilent to Arcade Fire: I love them without apology and cannot understand why others don't.

You all can bite me. If you think that Brian Wilson is the only song they had, and the only good one, you are sadly mistaken. Granted, their later albums have not been great, but the first few especially are fantastic. Every song borrows from a different genre and the lyrics are intelligent and usually funny. Please

OK I am pretty much in the dark when it comes to most of the music news on this site, but I have to say that I am deeply saddened right now. BNL put on the best concerts I have been to, and a great part of that was Steven Page standing at the edge of the stage after their last song, singing at the top of

Funny. Salieri is who I thought of too! He is their champion, and the patron saint of mediocrity. And he loves fresh sugar rolls…

I'm not sure if anyone will see this now, but I found an actual album cover from a real band that looks like it was concieved in this way:

what number is that?
How many has Slumdog won now?

PS: Queen doesn't really look like "size fabulous" or whatever she talked about on Jenny Craig.

In Memoriam
I hate the panning during this. Just stay on the screen-I don't need to see Queen!

Heath Ledger
Well done, you crazy diamond.

Orlaaaando Bloom's Dad!

Ok one more-this one is better:

Band: Gustavo Esteva
Album: Tethered on a Ten-Foot Chain