
Ok well, same to you! Vive Mardi Gras!

Wait, isn't today Friday? Please tell me it's Friday…

Hippo, those lyrics are surprisingly accurate…at least when DMB plays live.

So I just clicked on this Newswire, and a song came on the internet radio station I am listening to: Moment of Surrender off of U2's new, unreleased album.

Wait! I think I get it! Madea knows why the caged bird sings! Cause she's a bird and she goes to jail….ahhh nevermind…

Hey Wingnut! What's on the agenda for your spring band and/or orchestra concert? A fellow band geek is curious!

See, those standardized tests are exactly why kids don't care tolearn anything. The student just becomes a factoid machine, memorizing dates and blurbs about major historical events to pass a test, then promptly forgetting it. I remember a history class I took in college that had two professors, each of whom were

I had to read "Crime and Punishment" in 10th grade, and no one could get past all the Russian names. The teacher actually had a tutorial on how to pronounce them. I had no such problem, and realized then that my classmates were stupid.

This is an interesting point. Most schools have boards and parental groups that have to approve what is shown as a film, or possibly even read. I would like to think that teachers have a wide range of curriculum that they can pull from, but I would not be surprised if there are lists of "approved" reading for each

Wow, you guys must have gone to much more progressive schools than I. When my Soph english class watched Romeo and Juliet, the teacher fast-forwarded through the nudity.

whoever said that Elvis Costello, et al. didn't know why they were saying the lines they were given is dumb. There is a clip at the end of the episode that shows all the musicians recording their lines, and it was done in a studio just like always. Wether they were all together is unclear, but they certainly were in

Yeah, my thought exactly.

Ah. Thanks. Duh.

To play devils' advocate for a second, I think the point the organization is trying to make is that kids should be creating their own things with Legos, and Lego Batman is specifically for the purpose of building something from Batman. On the one hand, I agree, because it takes more imagination to build something from

Sybil, your cousins and my cousins sound very similar. My sister and I were always jealous of our cousins' toys.

wait now I am curious to know what the other movie is. Sorry if it's obvious and has been discussed at length. Im at work and therefore the brain is slow…

The worst sentence ever
A romantic comedy version of A Christmas Carol.

Hey I used to watch Charmed in reruns. I loved to see the thinly-disguised craziness of Shannen Dougherty. Needless to say, I found it less enjoyable when she left, even though Rose McGowan actually made more sense.

I have a comment
I can say this about a Blu-Ray version of Passion of the Christ: High-def flogging. Gross.

Speaking of which, if the above poster has seen Van Wilder, he would know who Tim Matheson is, since he played Van's father.