
I'm with Jorge. People in the 30s went to the movies for a nickel and got an entire day's worth of entertainment. Movie, serial, news reel, cartoon, etc. It was truly escapism. Today you spend upwards of $50 to get 2 tickets and popcorn, and you get 25 minutres of commercials and one movie that isn't even very good to

Im going to play too
My list if I were to make one:

Ditto on Jamar. There was even a report on our local news in Milwaukee about the two dudes, and some of their friends were watching when they cut Jamar. It is incredibly annoying that someone like Nathaniel got through and someone like Jamar got cut. And don't get me started on the girls. If the judges were undecided

I had a friend who told me of that happening outside a bar she used to go to. It sounds funnier when the people involved are drunks watching from inside a bar.

Can I just interject that I find Arnold Vosloo incredibly hot?

Well, there is really no need to discuss. I think you nailed it right there. He needs to leave. Maybe become a Karaoke DJ.

Jim Anchower drives a Fiesta. When it runs.

Bob Uecker was and is from Milwaukee, as was the filming of the first Major League movie.

Steve I think you are talking about Phil. No one watches his videos. No one should. And yes, the 15 seconds I watched once made me want to stab myself in the eye.

WIngnut: I fold. Band teacher was one of my dreams once upon a time, until I realized I couldn't tell someone how to read music or conduct to save my life. My band is fun; we play all the movie scores and PDQ Bach stuff because there is a Jazz band that gets all the old jazz charts.

Yeah Claude, I would watch the tossing of random trivia while around Isis Uptown. She was on Jeopardy. And if past comments are to be believed, she graduated high school in 1982, so she is still older than you.

Oh my god Wingnut that is the one I just played! I am nowhere near high school age anymore; I actually play in a city band voluntarily. I win more band geek points than you.

I thought the "rock version of the Nutcracker" was quite inspired.

what's that piece called?

Well, love, he didn't do right by me.

For that matter, what about On Golden Pond? More of a father/daughter coming to terms with each other, but Katherine and Henry Fonda are in love.

I liked ES a lot, and Jim and Kate's relationship is heartbreaking and all, but I always think about Kirsten Dunst and Tom Wilkinson. He has her memory erased after she falls in love with him, and then she falls for him again! I like that some things are not able to be prevented. Her heart wants his heart no matter

How can anyone think West Side Story is awful? Leonard Bernstein takes serious offense to that! Ellie, you were right about the 6/8 time. As somene who had to play an arranged version recently, I can also tell you that the Fugue (Cool) is one of the hardest pieces to count ever written. Just to share.

And just to be clear, I was not in rehab when we met; I worked at the coffee house. I don't need drugs. I get high off of air most of the time. Well, that and the sweet alcohol…

My first love, who wasn't really, was a true and honest crackhead who was in rehab for his addiction. He would come into my mother's coffee house and suck caffiene for hours. He would call me every night from the pay phone at the center, and we would talk for hours about nothing and everything. He was my first kiss; I