
@ Plith: good one!

The Brothers and Sisters love one is creepy, but the mother/son couple they had on was WAY creepier than the Germans. The mother said something about how their connection was more than love, and the sex wasn't why they were together, and if they could eat each other and still survive (I mean really eat each other)

The best line in The Wrong Trousers, when the penguin takes the rubber glove off his head:

Yuck. Deliver me from LL Bean.

I would think that all the Nightmare fans would clamor to see this film, and since they are mostly teens, and the ones with all the money, I would hope Coraline would be at least number 2 opening weekend. However, I know there are scads of lonely single women out there who are waiting for the nest Sex and the City

Yay to Jorge for bringing up the Punky Brewster Halloween episode! My sister and I were always freaked by that one, and for a long time, I couldn't picture Vincent Shiavelli without thinking of Mr. Pieces.

Yeah. Segal's great in Look Who's Talking!

I think he was chubby until he met Angelina and they started trading life-blood. Then they both started to look like starving vampires. Unfortunately, the starving vampire look is much harder to get rid of, according to what they both still look like.

Hey! He's in The Hills Have Eyes remake too-it is too creepy to think of Buffalo Bill as a dad on the road with his family. Until he gets burned.

Clay didn't actually win Idol. Ruben Studdard won. Not that anyone ever saw that guy again…

Can anyone verify if he was wearing that in every other taste test? It's a nice vest, but I'm getting the feeling that Chang has a schedule for his clothes and Tuesday is "Blue Argyle Vest Day."

Roasted chicken is a little harder to carry around the airport.

But wait, wouldn't the Oscars of 2008 be celebrating the movies that came out in 2007? Which makes my first comment correct, except for Wall-E. Whatever. I didn't see any of them anyway. And I haven't seen any of this years' offerings either. Sadly, this will not prevent me from watching. I like to see if Jack

Sorry-I tend to get confused by time. For example, I can't remember how long I have been living in my current residence, but I will forever remember the birthday of a guy I dated for a month while I was 18.

Jon Stewart
Can the Academy just realize that no one wants to watch anyone but Billy Crystal host the Oscars?

They have a 4-D show at Epcot center, and locally, at Wisconsin Dells, involving Spongebob Squarepants somehow.

The obvious reading of the cue cards is the very reason that I no longer watch SNL. Even Steve Martin was reading-I just see it as complete laziness. Yes it's live, yes they are only supposed to be there for cues (hense the name) but the casts in the last few years have become really bad at even trying to hide the

No phel, I am about to go to alpha filing too. How else do you find something when you have so much to look through? Currently I have them separated by Genre (mostly) and it's starting to get difficult to find anything. Alphabatizing is completely normal.

Does anyone remember when the Snickers pieces in the Blizzards were actually chunks of the candy bar? The last one I had was just chocolate dust-I was disappointed not to get any frozen nougat to pull out my fillings.

I don't know if these are your taste, but many of the musicals in the 40s, 50s contain songs that are now standards of music. Off the top of my head, White Christmas, Easter Parade, Meet Me in St Louis, all have songs that were written for the film and have since become hits in their own right. I can understand if