
I dated a guy for a year and a half, after he told my that he didn't find Young Frankenstein funny. I have no idea why I wasted my time with him once I found that out-it shows that his sense of humor is nowhere near mine (or anyone else's), which then makes him unattractive. We are no longer together. Duh.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I love C&H (the sugar and the comic strip) but Watterson really started to be a crabby-pants there at the end. That being said, his final strip where Calvin and Hobbes go exploring brings a tear to my eye to this day.

I think you mean "sewn"-unless you're a farmer growing Nabin trees.

I'm going to come out and say that my husband and I own all of the Saw movies, and take great pleasure in watching them. So I guess I can say it too: SAW BITCH

On New Year's Day there was a Warner Bros marathon on TWO Cartoon Network stations. I was in complete heaven-I used to watch WB cartoons every Saturday morning, and seeing them again this year was awesome.

I've always been a Colonel Brandon fan-in the book and when played by Alan Rickman. mmmm…clear, honest Romantic.

Wasn't Spirited Away drawn in the Disney style? I thought that was what made it so different. Granted, I have only seen parts of it, but what I saw, I liked. It didn't seem like Anime to me, which in my head all looks like Speed Racer cartoons-and I hate Speed Racer cartoons.

I have never been a video game person, and I know why. When I was a wee teen girl with a crush on this beautiful, tall guy, I would spend literal hours watching him play video games just to be near him. He wouldn't talk to me, we wouldn't make eye contact, and there was nothing at all in it for me. One day I woke up

Hey I didn't see the episode and I enjoyed the review a lot. What's more, the alt-text on the photo made me giggle-and put the song in my head. Thanks!

read Party Monster by James St James. He gives you a recipe and everything.

dan, does your love for Melanie Lynskey mean that you have seen Ever After with Drew Barrymore, and Sweet Home Alabama with Reese Witherspoon? Because she is the best friend in both those movies-and she makes both movies better, IMO.

I can think of at least two teachers while I was in high school that would frequently "get something from the closet" during class. A quick peek inside said closet would reveal red plastic cups. Can't put coffee in there! That being said, one of those teachers was for a writing class, so it was almost expected she get

I happened upon a short interview Rourke did on the red carpet for the E! "news" team. He saw Sean Penn walking by and told the interviewer that he and Penn were close friends. To be fair, that may have been ironic, but why?

On another note, has anyone tried to describe one of Guest's films to someone who hasn't ever seen one? It is damn near impossible!

ha funny-and I would have to say, probably true. I personally liked the Weimareiner, before she jumped.

I know someone else who hated Best in Show, because he showed dogs. He found it incredibly offensive. Maybe this is Ellie's problem. I personally find it one of the best-actually, I like all the Christopher Guest movies I have seen. I haven't seen For Your Consideration, so I have no opinion on that one.

Oh my god I love Sinatra with Antonio Carlos Jobim! I know that sugestion was not directed to me, but still. LOVE IT!

I know no one saw The Da Vinci Code, but Paul Bettany was pretty creepy/ugly in that one.

Hey I read it! I know what you mean RE Frank Sinatra. I used to hate his singing (My Way makes me want to poke my ears with a sharp object) but I have listened to a lot of his real old stuff and I have come to appreciate. I responded to someone on an earlier thread about early jazz, and Sinatra fits there too. He's

Bill, do you mean the movie versions? I really hope not, since Godspell: the Movie is some of the worst crap to be put on film. It actually makes the songs worse somehow.