
Second on Kevin Smith. Mallrats put me to sleep and I never tried again. Life is too short for lame movies.

Whoever told you that Jazz is a broad category is absolutely right. You don't have to wade through countless albums to find one you like-go to a store or library where they have headphones and ask the staff where to start. You can go anywhere from Swing, to Big Band, to Lounge, to Freeform/Progressive, and it will all

And I just found where my above comment should have gone.

OK, I like the Doors, The Who, The Beatles, most classic rock. I haven't ever really gotten into Pink Floyd, but some songs are alright. I hate the Grateful Dead. I find if you need to be high to like or understand the musical ability, the band is not good. This goes for Phish, String Cheese, and parts of Dave

I watched the beginning up until the first commercial, and never turned it on again. I did watch a doc about the history of comedy on PBS…that was very good!

Annie made me laugh a lot. I fully believe that choker was actually holding her head on her body.

can someone throw a beer bottle at Murray? I was drinking a wine cooler…

I can't see what Claire said, but I have to give that Danny guy credit for not mentioning his wife's death directly to the judges. I assume that if he had we would have seen it, so I am giving him the benefit if the doubt. Besides, he is a good singer, even though he is a terrible dresser.

Yeah what was that about? You would think they wold have started with Ryan Phillippe in that case…

I am having a bit of deja vu here…I feel we all just talked about this. Howevr, yay for another thread about Love, Actually. And yay for Sense and Sensibility, 4 Weddings etc., Harry/Sally, and the rest.

I am on board with all those who like Center Stage. Of course no one can act, but they can all dance better than I do. And I never liked RHCP's version of Higher Ground until this movie-and now I am with all the girls (in the yard) who pretend-ballet whenever it comes on. It is also why I like Canned Heat by

Weird. I was just now watching a show on the history of MGM studio on TCM, and he JUST finished talking when I clicked onto the site. Well, rest in peace Mr Montalban, on your own Fantasy Island.

@ Elitist Trash:

In Minneapolis (Uptown): Pizza Luce-for the variety (baked potato pizza=heaven)

He was so pretty! And I thought it was quite weird that he chose Van Morrison-definitely not the artist I was expecting.

Oh, me too. I am now completely depressed that Blink 182 is clearly smarter than I am when it comes to puns. Essay chai tea I guess.

Dammit! The irony of misspelling Jeopardy in a post about spelling and stupidity. I sounded it out and everything…

My husband has a really old Sega system that has Jeapordy on it, but even if you get the answer right, you have to be able to spell it correctly. My husband finds this unfair.

It's time for an enema!

I really have no problem with her. Her website is easily avoided, and she tends to shy away from cameras. It is a little strang to see such hate from someone who on the whole leads a quiet life. Why are we not reserving this for someone truly useless, like that Kardashian person? Why do we care about her