
Whitfish Bay also has Kristen Johnston for #rd Rock From the Sun, and Chip Zien from…Into the Woods. Ok, never mind.

Who doesn't know who Charlie Trotter is? Anyway, the best restaurant that has now gone from Chicago was Spiaggia, run by Paul Bartolotta. He now runsa a seafood restaurant in the Wynn hotel in Vegas. I assume it's just as good. Spiaggia-northern Italian greatness on a plate…beautiful.

I like Four Rooms-I saw that before Pulp Fiction. I agree though that Quentin's room was the most interesting, but the room with the kids was the funniest to me.

Sadly, they have a show sort of like that already. Exiled takes the Sweet 16 girls and sends them to various third world countries, or, frankly, anywhere that doesn't have a Louis Vuitton, and leaves them there for a week. However, Snape's idea sounds better, if only for the fact that it would presumably be forever.

@ Guido:

How many times did Daniel use the word "sobriety" in his arguement for leaving? We get Daniel, you're sober (for now…), no need to rub everyone's face in it!