
So what you're saying is that it's perfectly ok to generalize all men negatively and say how every man will react, in any situation. And anybody who refutes or has a problem with that is being an asshole. I guess you won't have a problem with me saying all black people steal, or all Asians are bad drivers, or all

I don't know why you have to generalize all men when it's pretty obvious all men don't act that way... Not every man is an asshole who "puts them through hell" when they don't orgasm, contrary to popular belief most people are empathetic, and it's the minority who aren't.

It depends on the pool, I usually swim 8 lanes so I'm not even worried about that but if a pool has 10 labeled instead of 0 the centre will be 5. However you're right in that most pools use 0 and not 10 but the point of my comment was to highlight the progression from the middle outwards, and you can apply the logic

It's like track in that the fastest are seeded into the middle of the pool; the lane progression from first to last goes 5,6,4,7,3,8,2,9,1,10. People with the fastest times going in tend to have the fastest times coming out, but if you have something with preliminaries and finals some fast swimmers will take it easy

Why is it that every time a guy does something big for his girlfriend or a proposal he gets hated on and attacked? This is bullying, plain and simple, he didn't do anything wrong. You don't know their relationship, you don't know how she felt so you have no right to attack him. Especially not in the form of sexist

Do you really have to generalize everyone who acts that way as a "white man"? I'm pretty sure they're not all white men, and if you're stereotyping and being racist I don't see how you're different than them. Unless you are one of the people who actually believe you can't be racist against white people and can't be

I see a lot of people here justifying not giving a guy any sort of indication of their feelings because the risk of this. But the thing is, you can probably tell if a guy is going to be violent about it or not. Now I'm not talking about some random guy on the street because you don't know about him; but your friend

The black hole one is completely ridiculous, black holes are simply extremely concentrated pieces of mass, it's impossible to create more mass then you're originally given. If an electron turns into a black hole then it still only has the mass of an electron it won't magically create more mass so it'll only have the

Oh God I thought the 12 year-olds still fighting over consoles didn't come here, nowhere is safe.

Oh God, can we all not appreciate the fact that one guy who happens to have a case that had a piece of plastic sticking out of it, not even confirmed to be a defect or just a broken case, had it put a tiny little scratch on his iPhone and that MADE NEWS?! Next time I'll report when a pair of mittens scratch my finger

It's the most important phones, not the best phones.

I think it's worth mentioning that the photos were taken by a Lumia 920 prototype, and not by a random camera as the article implies.

The UI doesn't look very Google like, it's weird to see this because the rest of their UI seems to be extremely consistent.

Is it even possible for a person to be deluded enough to believe that turning a page on a book is absolutely unique innovation that the creator would be immeasurably harmed if it were stolen? I cannot imagine a court case where a lawyer stands up and argues that this patent was created uniquely and that his client was

Whether you buy it outright or on contract you should still be grandfathered in. You can spend $100 more and get it with no strings attached, there is absolutely no reason to tie yourself to a contract for two-years to save $100 and a ETF higher than that $100, it's just crazy.

No LTE could really hurt this phone's widespread adoption as the #1 Android flagship, but I see where Google's coming from. Having all these on-contract-fucked-with phones that don't get updated is tarnishing the Nexus name so Google's stopping that. But they at least should've included a 32GB option when expandable

It has nothing to do with "how the OS works", do you have any fucking idea how any of this works? Lets say I have four dots and I put them in a box, if I take less dots (3) and put them in a bigger box I am getting less content, the size of the box has no correlation to what's in it. The text is NOT cramped, you're

You are drinking the kool-aid so hard it's indescribable, you are literally stating that because Apple did it it's definitely right. Oh. My. God.

Ok obviously you're too stupid to understand this but the cheaper and better Android tablets have a HIGHER resolution then the iPad mini, therefore you get MORE content on screen, as well as it being SHARPER. The iPad mini due to its low resolution will have LESS content despite being larger, so the size is actually

Ironic how immature your comment is, isn't it?