
Why oh why would you let Sam Biddle write this review? He always makes the stupidest posts and is completely transparent with his bias, it's a headache to read anything he writes because you have to try to separate the true negatives from his illogical ones. To top it off he's just a shitty journalist in general, from

The 15" rMBP I can see as appealing to a certain market, but the 13" with no discrete graphics or a quad core processor seems to be a bit of a waste. Just getting a 1080p ultrabook would make much more sense given that the specs are the same and it's thinner, lighter, and cheaper, while the battery life and speed is


Windows 8 launch date is October 26th, not 29th.

I think it's just supposed to indicate that it's as white as paper/just like reading paper.

Try a different browser/update your browser

I don't think that was anybodies reaction... I heard a ton of people IRL talking about how funny they were.

Look at the gaps in time, plus HTC releases many phones, so this isn't their one phone to define their line up. This is literally being marketed as the One X, but a bit better, the One X+; it's not a new phone, and they're not saying it is so I really don't know what the fuck you're complaining about.

I find the dedicated back button on my S3 extremely useful, it would seriously hurt my efficiency to get rid of it. Going back in an app is extremely frequent and the ability to have a dedicated button is definitely helpful, especially at the bottom where you don't have to reach for it; and it has so much more

If this complete ignorance and bias continues by always referring to the completely unjustified statement that the iPhone is the best phone in the world then Giz is becoming an even shittier site then it's already become. It's so ridiculous the fanboyism that's expressed because if that fact were true, why would you

Yes, but it's Gizmodo, the same site who wrote entire articles praising the most perfect size of the iPhone, that the size was chosen by God to be perfect. And then saying how they like the bigger screen. If Apple does it it's right, no questions asked.

Well if you have a bigger screen then having a bigger phone is sort of unpreventable. Besides the battery life of the GS3 is better than that of the iPhone 5, plus you can buy a second battery and just swap it out for double the battery and no hassle or extra device thickness. And with Jelly Bean Android is just as

No, just no. You talk of arrogance but yet you claim emptily that Apple makes the best products and value their consumers? Neither of those is true. When was the last time Apple passed its savings onto its consumers, that it "cares" about?

Are you seriously complaining that Google isn't giving free wi-fi to its direct competitors? Even for Apple biased Gizmodo, that's pretty fucking extreme. That's like saying that Burger King is giving away free burgers all of a sudden to members of the BK Lounge club, but complaining that your Wendy's club card

They can't call it the iPhone 5, so it will definitely be called the "new iPhone" even though that will cause a hell of confusion on its own.

Then you obviously DON'T know what extortion is. If I sell blue plates, and I offer to colour them red for a fee, how stupid would it be for someone to claim that I'm extorting them because they bought my blue plate but didn't get it red for free. If you go out and buy a blue plate, THEN THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO

But even if $10 earphones aren't better than Apple's, they're still a hell of a lot more comfortable. Doesn't matter if the sound is a bit better you'll be too busy bleeding from the ears in pain.

And? You sound like the most idiotic person in the world, a computer science degree or any degree doesn't make you any better at deciding which product you like better. Besides how the hell did your degree help you decide, did you look at both the code of iOS and Android and decided that way? No, you're not even

You are the most brainwashed Apple fanboy that I may have ever seen, I don't think it's even possible to argue with you, so please, just kill yourself. And if you are serious and not 12-years-old then I pray for the future of this world.

Did they just say that they went down the list looking for phones with a bezel and flat screen and then listed them as infringed? Oh God this jury's messed up. If you're a jury member whose decided on the first day (or even before the trial started) then you're doing your job completely wrong. It sounds like they just