
I think we all know this is only “funny” when it’s about white men. When will people realize that self-deprecation/pretending white men are immune to discrimination only alienates people from progressives and makes people like Trump supporters feel justified in their insanity.

Wait, somebody thinks they have the right to speak for the experiences of every person in a group? And they’re not even part of that group?

I really want to see a mockup of him without his spray tan, wig, or veneers. That would be the stuff of nightmares.

Wait, is the implication here that shooting vodka is better than gin?

I think this is partially a problem with how we view rape as a culture and legally. We treat rape as if it was one crime and that gives us very little flexibility when it comes to explaining the vast variation in sexual contact/intercourse without someone’s consent.

Are you serious? People are all over here commenting about how awful these attacks will be for creating Islamophobia, this exact article is talking about the xenophobic tendencies of the leader. And yet you think it’s acceptable to lump in all men with these atrocious, disgusting, excuses for human beings? That’s one

While he may or may not be guilty of “moving the goalposts” you are also doing the common mistake of attacking his argument rather than his point.

Does no one else find it kind of limiting and frustrating that if you try to question or have any sort of discussion about one of the stories you are somehow immediately invalidated? Guess what, you can’t just say that anyone that could possible disagree with me is wrong and then act like you’re in the right. Now

Are you reluctant to use it because you believe there is no such thing as female privilege? The reason the sentence is so light is mostly due to the fact that everyone believes that it’s awesome for the boy, that he must have enjoyed it, perhaps part of it is female sexuality but it’s certainly not the main part.

I feel like this study is literally just proving the obvious, but the last statement is good, we do need to stop making men losing to women socially debilitating.

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or not. Are you seriously trying to make the argument X is more serious so we shouldn’t do Y? Because that’s one of the stupidest arguments anybody can make and it’s not how society works.

Both times I’ve been to O’hare I was delayed quite significantly. And most recently it was for a 5 am flight after a 4 hour flight so I had barely slept and it was delayed about 6 times and changed gates twice. I ended up leaving at 12 or 1 I can’t remember exactly, and since they kept on delaying it in small

That is such a bullshit statistic. All of that is from third party app stores in Asia, not a relevant threat in the slightest and doesn't affect a single person you or I know. Vulnerabilities are a much more serious threat anyways, you'd have to go out of your way in order to try to get malware, a vulnerability is

Man, you just sound like you're talking out of your ass. Have you used an Android phone before? Each app you download has to ask for permission for every kind of data you give it, they can't get it automatically. Whether you do or not is up to you. What real life experience? I've never had an Android virus and you've

... I need a moment.... Are you actually that thick?

Writing "literally-all-men" is kinda just as bed as someone saying "not-all-men"

Was "white privilege" really relevant here at all?

Because you called him a jackass over it.

If you would like us to help you fight "toxic masculinity" then perhaps you shouldn't lead with "men are useless".

"prepared to follow your man" I can't put my finger on it but something is telling me that he wouldn't return the favour.