
So.... I thought “You all look alike.” was a pretty offensive thing to say? Which I can understand why it is offensive. That is of course unless we are discussing white guys. Apparently it is perfectly ok to say about white guys. Got it.

Could you imagine if this article was written about any other demographic?

Okay, a lot of these comments definitely made me giggle, but the whole “HAHA, people of a certain race all look the same” about a whole grouping of people makes me... uncomfortable. I understand my viewpoint may be unpopular in these particular threads.... KBYE.

Gee, I wonder if it would be so hilarious if it wasn’t someone white.

Absolutely adore the color of the whatever-the-Canadian-word-is-for-First-Lady’s dress.

I get that this was poorly researched, and there is no excuse for that.

Oh my god, horseshoe theory in action. White people should only talk about white culture, only Native Americans should draw on Native traditions, and so on and so on. And hey, why don’t we just have separate restaurants and places to sit on the bus to avoid cross-contamination, that went well last time.

If she ignores the Indians then they will protest, if she tells it dead straight they will protest, if she fictionalizes they will protest. It is a no win scenario when dealing with the Tribal spokespeople.

Yeah, I have to kind of agree here. If you’re going to work magic into US history, you can either ignore the lore of Native Americans, which is dismissive, or incorporate it, and get attacked for appropriation.

It was going to be a no-win situation anyways with the native Americans and magical America. Don’t bring them up, and you’re erasing them. Draw upon native traditions, and you’re appropriating them. Make some shit up entirely, and you’re caricaturing them.

I am amazed at the amount of similarity I share with you, only my little feminist to be is turning 2 in A few days. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Only you said what I was thinking much more eloquently than I could have at this hour. Thank you!

This is the kind of statement that moves me further away from the feminist movement. I’m male, a feminist, son of feminist parents, husband to a feminist, father of a 20 mo feminist-to-be. Yet every article here, every posting on NARAL and PP’s fb, ig, twitter, are loaded with comments from women who condemn all men

Geezus you couldn’t be more wrong. Most men are not.

There are a lot of men out there. And I don’t know most of them, but it seems pretty damn unlikely that there are nearly three and a half billion rapists just walking around like it’s normal. I think it’s time to climb down from the outrage pony. It’s had a long day and is very tired. There is nothing to be gained by

You completely missed the mark on that one. You don’t have to be naive and perfect to realize that not all men rape women. And this is totally the place to mention that. How dumb can you be, christ.

I didn’t read that as #notallmen, I though the comment was addressed at nycyclist his/herself, that being a survivor shouldn’t mean you won’t ever love and trust anyone again and that there are good people out there too.

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

It’s naive not to think every man is a rapist? What?

I’m so sorry to read this. I’ve genuinely never had this happen to me, please don’t believe all men are like this.

Bed n’ Breakfast n’ Boning?