Double post, disregard.
Double post, disregard.
The article is saying that MS is the most exciting company, not the best one. So even if these products absolutely flop, it doesn't make how we feel now any less exciting. It is simply saying that right now the announced products of MS are more exciting than any other company, not that they will even be successful,…
It should be, "the most amazing iPhone yet", the picture in this says, "the most amazing phone yet", they always use iPhone because they cannot use the latter. I also think they should change the front of the phone if they go with this sort of design, it's too long to have top and bottom bezels that large, they're…
I think he just doesn't know what redundant means.
Why does the Zenith only have 720p video???
This article was full of statements that were clearly backed up, your comment however doesn't have any logic or reasoning behind it. What details have MS failed to release? Even if they haven't when you buy the product you will have these "details"(although I'm still confused to what these details are) so that…
" you'll be able to walking around in a storm".... Should be "walk".
Very uneducated comment, and you came to conclusions that simply aren't true. The reason for this is not to make people buy new hardware at all, it's for the software to be successful. WP7 was the first OS, the original like iOS 1.0. Now it was based on single core processors and half a gig of ram, and it was built on…
Awkward moment when WP devices are never priced at $700, the Lumia 900 which is their flagship device is $450 unlocked, so 2/3 of what you thought.
Does this mean the maximum resolution is 720p? Or can it support higher?
That's a bad example. There is one Xbox 360, how in the world could they release an update that the Xbox couldn't get? The update is 100% made FOR the Xbox, they would have to somehow make an update for the Xbox but not give it to Xbox users, which makes absolutely no sense.
Metro is consistent, that is the point of it. WP, Xbox, desktops, they all share the same ECOSYSTEM. You say that you will have to be taken out of metro in order to run the software, and cite your reason being that developers won't write apps for Metro. Guess what? Last time I checked the iPad had to have different…
I would call you a fanboy, but that doesn't even begin to describe it.
No mouse, unusable OS for actual computing, no ports. 0/10.
This comment is extremely uneducated, learn your facts before posting. There are two different Surface tablets, one is a normal tablet, one is essentially an ultra book without a built in keyboard. The normal tablet version cannot get viruses, it's a closed OS like the iPad, and don't bring up viruses for full…
*facepalm* Did you honestly just say that W8 isn't a touch OS? It's more of a touch OS than iOS, do you even know that W8 exists or are you assuming these will be runnning W7? And the reason tablet PCs failed is because the tech wasn't there to make it good.
I dislike these because they're loud and annoying. My family rarely vacuums so you don't have to worry about that annoying noise, now that we have one of these my parents have no problem throwing this down at any time. It was beautiful when it was dirty and quiet, now it's clean and loud.
I don't know why everyone's complaining about Microsoft announcing their tablet much earlier than release, it makes perfect sense. When Apple announces things they announce them as close to release date as possible, and that makes sense, because they don't want to lose sales of their current product. Microsoft right…
Not at all, where the hell did you get those prices? The ARM tablet is spec'd as one of the best out there, therefore will of course be in the same price range. The Pro is running an entire computer, just without an attached keyboard; it's just as powerful as something like the MBA so will be priced accordingly. I…