
This is the most different a tablet has been even the iPad was and is really just a stretched out iPhone, it didn't add anything to the table with phone vs tablet other than size. This is what a tablet was supposed to be, it's actually useful and can do things, this is the only acceptable reason for owning a tablet.

Take what you said and apply it to your comment. Saying Apple's marketing ISN'T a HUGE part of their success is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

A Rolex is not a generic term for these devices, it's just one of the brands, called "Rolex".

The Lumia is a long-term solution, it was never expected to "save their ass" with the specs it was released with. It was simply a way to get their name and reputation out, so many people are saying "if the Lumia had good specs I'd buy it", so when they release a Lumia with good specs people will be all over it.

Wow I can't find a single logical or correct statement in your comment. At first you are asking why WP7 isn't on tablets and then you're saying that Windows has failed on tablets so why try? I don't understand. If you weren't stupid you'd realize there has NOT been a tablet market for 10 years, before the iPad ALL

Competitive gamers always use wired mouses or controllers if on console. It's faster and you don't run the risk of running out of batteries in the middle of a fight.

But the major problem is that if it breaks you have to get a completely new one. You always here these stories of people having their MBPs for a long time with the occasional repair and then getting a good resale for it. With this that isn't an option, if anything breaks in the laptop they have to get a completely new

Honestly I would buy the music if it was affordable and went to somewhere I cared about. If I want a 100 songs it's $130?? That's fucking bullshit and you know it, there is no justification for that price. And the money is going straight to the middleman, it doesn't help the artist at all, and there was an article

But your monitors are bigger, so you don't have this problem.

Same, you just learn that way because there really is not other alternative. Although, I do also throw with my right.

That doesn't make sense, they're not comparing which phone has more options, they're comparing whether Gmaps is better than iMaps (or whatever).

That's not what the article said, the article said it would cost $4000 in the US (until they got the update) and that it would SURPASS $4000 in other countries.

Well your entire statement is considered null and void because you said a PS3 was a better streamer than an Xbox. You might be able to make an argument for the others (I don't believe that the others are better than the Xbox they are simply around the same level) but the PS3 is nowhere even close to being as good a

How is Apple able to sell Mac Pros? Even the cheapest runs into over $2600 and they all come with 6GB ram, even the one that is over $5000. How can someone justify spending that much on a computer for a "power-tower" and only get 6GB ram???

If you look at the SGS3 it's one of the smoothest phones out there, reviewers are saying it's almost impossible to make it stutter or lag.

If you're talking about running well on low specs I think WP is the master of that.

No that's not a worry for them, they can just change their design to look like someone else's and then sue the creators of the original design, because it's Apple we're talking about here.

Don't get all fucking subjective with this shit, they were saying the model had a nice ass, the model is wearing that dress in order to intentionally show off her ass. So don't tell me that they're being sexist for saying that, it is a 100% objective point-of-view, and if somebody compliments a guys body I don't see

Definitely going to be called the "new iPhone" because technically this is the iPhone 6 and not the iPhone 5, so they don't want to confuse people.

"Available for Android, iOS, and WP", read the article next time.