
I don't think we should have virtual keyboards, I prefer hardware keyboards, I simply presented that as an option for they have systems that use small electric shocks to give you the tactile feedback you would need, and would also take up less room. The better option would be to have a hardware keyboard as well as a

I was on the same page as you until I started thinking about it and I thought of having a large track pad under your keyboard, that you manipulated as if you were reaching forward to touch the screen but it was on your desk.

Think of having a touch screen for your computer, except it's where your keyboard normally is, or below it, and it's large and you manipulate it as if you were just touching the screen.

On a battlefield you might think that this would be practical, but given the flesh-eating roots from where it came and that putting this anywhere near your body is pretty dangerous, I don't think so. There is also the question of how your body supposed to heal or how to get rid of the glue after.

Have you ever had braces? They have this little light which they put in your mouth and it feels like absolutely nothing is happening, but it dries the cement in seconds. Don't doubt what light can do.

I think this has the potential to be a great device, as a tablet replacement. The great touch screen combined with hardware controls can give you everything a tablet can (provided they decide to update their software to something that can compete) with the added bonus of amazing gaming. I personally don't see the

Obvious troll is obvious. I assume you're a troll because it's impossible (or at least impossible for me to maintain my faith in humanity) to be that stupid.

I think it'd be useful for use sometimes, as in you're using the keyboard and mouse regularly but you just pinch to zoom with the touch screen, scrolling through a web page, using paint, highlighting text, and things like that. Make it a hybrid control, where you just use it where it's efficient but not exclusively.

So a porn company is trying to shame people for masturbating.....

Listening to music take almost no battery life....

Did you not read the article??

He's obviously Russian

My comment was because when I saw the article I was extremely excited about the prospect of curing blindness, and was disappointed that the title was just to get more clicks, and the reality wasn't as amazing. I was not trying to be a cynic, I was just expressing my disappointment in being let down after thinking they

My comment was because when I saw the article I was extremely excited about the prospect of curing blindness, and was disappointed that the title was just to get more clicks, and the reality wasn't as amazing. I was not trying to be a cynic, I was just expressing my disappointment in being let down after thinking they

My comment was because when I saw the article I was extremely excited about the prospect of curing blindness, and was disappointed that the title was just to get more clicks, and the reality wasn't as amazing. I was not trying to be a cynic, I was just expressing my disappointment in being let down after thinking they

They're essentially patenting an iphone/ipod touch that's a remote...

They haven't "cured blindness" they slightly improved the patients vision, curing it would be a much different, much bigger thing.

Ones like this sorta suck, the best ones are gifs like this

You should stop complaining, in Canada for the cheapest data plan it's $50 and you get 500MB

I'm disappointed that even in March we won't have the next generation of WP7 handsets. Just give me the up'd resolution, I can deal with the single core and ram.... just please give me the resolution..