
No... There are lots of other countries with LTE, I live in Canada and we have LTE

The whole "celebrity status" thing is bullshit, people like beats because they look nice and they're popular and what not, but no one gives a shit that they're made by Dr. Dre. At least 90% of the people who own beats don't listen to his music, and 100% of the people I know that own beats don't listen to him at all.

Is this not including windows 8 tablets? Because I'm disappointed if they think a honeycomb android tablet with unknown specs is better than any windows 8 tablet.

I'm assuming that in the second paragraph last line it's supposed to be "existing" phone, not "exiting" phone.

I feel like nobody in the slave market is willing to pay 20 million for one person, they can easily just take people for free. Who has 20 million dollars for one set of hands? If you legitimately paid a servant it wouldn't come near to that if he worked his whole life. Sort of counter productive....

Well with metro being the UI of the xbox dashboard, you sorta can. I imagine that xbox is the windows 8 for tv's and I hope we start seeing xbox tv's

I'm drooling over the thought of a 14" laptop with 1080p and a blu-ray drive, but they probably mean the 16"

Not you. *A* proofreader.

The bigger size is good, and I can deal with the low specs because it's a windows phone, but I really feel they should have upped the resolution there's no excuse for why not in that department.

I might be completely wrong in this, but if the two were each a different pole it would make sense, but it would also mean that they would stick to their own side of the track. In the video they cross tracks, so both cars must be the same pole and therefore shouldn't they repel each other, so not move alongside each

I'm a bit confused as to why people like an OS that's simply a large app stand, and why they count the apple censorship as a good thing, it's like wanting the internet to be censored by the government so that you wouldn't get viruses.

You know you're a fanboy when you write an entire essay about a god damn mouse, I didn't think apple fanboys were this bad. And also the fact that you seem to be praising it as if it were a god, and has not a single negative point, so you should now go and praise your apple/mouse god.

You have no idea, in my high school so many people have BB's it's ridiculous, they have them because BBM is "cool".

The apples aren't under the sprayers, they don't need to be kept moist.

When you shine a flashlight at a mirror, the mirror absorbs some of the light, 100% is not reflected back, it that were so you could have an infinite beam of light in between two mirrors.

I think carbon fiber costs a lot more to manufacture, because it's so much harder, there was a post about the difficulties of manufacturing carbon fiber on Gizmodo recently. But I agree a laptop made of carbon fiber would be badass.

I don't think you understand, this isn't some random celebrity whose media coverage might affect the phone's release sales. No this is Steve Jobs, a man, who when it comes to the age of computers, had one of the biggest impacts out of everyone, computers are what they are today because of him. The Android operating

It's funny because I was just debating on which I should get, the iPhone or the new Nokia phone, whatever it is. I really want to get the windows phone, but I'm just afraid of the fact that it has a very small user base, and that iMessage might become the new BBM, I'm in high school so being able to interact with your

You can see who's right if one person presents a logical and supported statement, compared to the other person who states a vague fact with no supporting information. Who uses the term "mind-blowing" as a feeble attempt to enforce their statement that contains no evidence.

Jesus dude not every fucking thing is a copy of apple. The apple store has no seats smart one, first of all. ""Hardware on display" Oh so apple's patented this no. "Minimalist boutique display" so you want them to start cluttering their shit up just because? and the tables look quite different from apple tables. Ok