
I know some of these words.

Rice university assistant AD who also was in a few movies as stunt quarterback

It was Cutler. He was throwing to the guy behind her

Oooh, la-di-da Mr. or Ms. I Can Afford Ground Beef.

It hit the target, so it wasn’t Osweiler

I actually want to know who threw that ball, which I didn’t even realize that happened until now.

It was disappointing to see Katie Nolan used only for a ridiculous Lady Gaga recap. God forbid they replace one of those mumbling, filled-with-warm-farts, retired football players who have literally never said anything of substance.

They also fire and arrest police officers that shoot at unarmed black people.

One player said Griles did not provide enough food in the house and that dinner was spaghetti for “a whole two weeks”

If being in the NJ top 20 high school basketball programs isn’t worth kidnapping some immigrant kids, then you obviously don’t want it enough.

That’s fucking amazing. I honestly never would have guessed the SC government would have that much self-awareness.

In case you want to know more about the character of this coach, the article notes he drives a white BMW.

United Fan here. We had a ton of shitheads who used to say the same shit about Dimitar Berbatov. As if his (and Lukaku’s) job was not to loiter in the right area to be ready to score. The UK press is obsessed with work rate. They endlessly praise half wits who run around like the proverbial headless chicken.

You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

I had a big argument with my wife, who was appalled that I didn’t know it was pronounced jiz-EL. But her name is clearly German, and that’s a fairly common name pronounced GEEZ-uh-luh (with a hard G). You don’t just get to make up a fake French pronunciation of your name just because you’re a model.

Play enough mini-golf and you, too, can sink a hole-in-one against that dastardly windmill.

This is why we watch sports. These moments of pure joy summoned from the almost impossible artistry being conducted on the field. In moments like this, we can forget the drudgery of being an international super model, we can ignore the pulsing anxiety node in our brain that says hey you have to email the crown prince

Y’know, I don’t remember playing Jedi Power Battles, but I do remember the mechanic you’re describing and how great it worked out. Maybe I played a demo or something?

Jedi Academy did the lightsaber damage right imo, it was very good! But the deflecting the shots and redirecting them to the side... I didn’t like that. I loved how Jedi Power Battles did it.