
And what was the Falcons plan after the Patriots scored and kicked off with a minute left to go? Like, you either throw long to the sidelines or 20+ down the middle, or you run the ball and kill the clock. You don’t throw 4 yards up the middle then spike it on 2ND DOWN AND 6, then end up having to actually punt the

Simone, whatever he tells you that’s not a balance beam.

Shapovalov just assumed he would get a five minute major and play to resume.

That was nice.

I, for one, am glad Boston sports fans have something to be happy about today.

potential trade candidates

He really does deserve the opportunity to break something else.

Ask your parents.

This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

+1 pistol formation

It’s kind of ironic the ego it takes to keep a completely deserving player out of the HOF because of his ego... err no... ironic isn’t the word I’m looking for... “dumb” that’s what it is. Really really dumb.

It was all those damn distractions the media’s been dredging up lately.

By the time the Cyclones were through I’m sure the Jayhawks felt like they weren’t in Kansas anymore.

He played and started all 4 years he was there. Not sure where Nick got 3 years.

This is a relatively normal foul, but it’s not particularly good or clean defense. He clearly sticks his foot out into the dribbler’s path and makes a bit of a reach with his right hand, but his torso doesn’t go anywhere. He’s not even trying to put the guy off his path.

Me and Adrian Peterson would have been dynamic.

Those numbers aren’t great or anything, but if I were a Vikings fan I’d rather have Vick on a one year deal than trade a 1st and 4th for Sam Bradford. And that isn’t even a hindsight is 20/20 situation, that trade was stupid in real time.