
She has the arid look of a lifelong chainsmoker.

What’s scary is she just turned 50 on Friday and she already looks like an old 75. That’s what happens when you work for Cruz and then Orange Hitler.

Well, no, I need to CARE. xD I just let my mad-scientist curls fly, because I don’t have the time/wherewithal to care about lacquering them into submission, unless it’s a special occasion (“special” = “am I getting out the pushup bra for this?”). I have so many other things in my life to worry about. But thank you for

I think she’s one of those “blonde at any cost” people, and the bleach is destroying her hair. Her hair is also very thin- you can see her scalp. She could really just give up the ghost and get a good wig, although at this point everyone would know it was a wig.

For some reason, when you work for high-profile anti-LGBTQ politicians (and Cheetolini’s personal opinions don’t count, he’s letting Pence run things), it’s difficult to find talented hair, make-up, and fashion advisors.

Exactly. And let’s not forget that she married him knowing full well who he was. He already had rape and sexual assault claims against him. He had already been a serial philanderer who for all intents and purposes had nothing to do with his kids (save Ivanka) while growing up. She knew all this and still married him

I’m assuming Trump died of a heart attack halfway into his Nov 9th “concession” turned tirade.

This is a mirror universe episode of West Wing, Facist Wing. Additionally, she looks like she couldn’t be bothered to fully zip up her skin suit.

That was really something else, wasn’t it? I was gobsmacked by how utterly bored, distracted and fidgety he seemed even in the very beginning, when everyone else around him was singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with that gorgeous pipe organ. But not him. He took a stab at pretending to mouth along while looking

“The news has been especially hard on Brotman, as he lost his wife back in December after complications from a stroke. Brotman considered his preparations for the inauguration to be a welcome distraction from his grief.”

One of the Reverends read a passage that must have used the word “hope” six times while looking directly at him. I sincerely died.

THIS MAN. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. Seriously him saying he wanted to kill him self when he found out he wasn’t going to be an announcer broke my heart. And as was stated on the original post, a man of this age who has participated in many many inaugurations clearly holds it close to his heart regardless of who is

Created a kinja account just to say You mean something to everyone here. Please don’t go.

It’s tomorrow, and I hope you’re still here with us.

Please don’t.

The numbers for the hotline are all through this thread, so I won’t put them here again. Instead, I want to share what it’s like to be the one left behind.

My husband shot himself in the head at our home. The memory of finding him is still vivid after 20+ years. The aftermath of his loss reverberates to

My sister was dumped by her fiance for another woman, lost her job at a company she adored and her best friend died very suddenly after a recent cancer discovery. All within a three month period of time. I cannot go in to the details of how my sister tried to end her life as it is too painful.

You’re worth staying alive. Hang in there.

My sister attempted this 4 years ago and luckily lived. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t feel shame, sadness and sorrow over how she got to that point. You are correct, the people left behind are changed forever. Suicide is permanent, the feelings are not. The people who are devastated never heal, never get

He’s old and unhealthy, don’t you want to be alive in a time without Trump???

Spencer did nazi that coming....