“Reading classes” can just be cheapo generic magnifiers (they even have them at the dollar store). Near-sighted folks need more custom and pricey prescriptions.
“Reading classes” can just be cheapo generic magnifiers (they even have them at the dollar store). Near-sighted folks need more custom and pricey prescriptions.
Nah. That’s still biomechanical fuckery.
Nah. That’s still biomechanical fuckery.
All good thoughts your way.
I’m thinking it has to be Boston.
Oh dear God. Why would anyone want to make that public? Why would anyone want to make *any* of this public?
And that’s the horrible thing about dog trainers: anyone can call themselves a trainer, even someone with no experience beyond watching a *heavily edited* TV show which features methods roundly condemned in position statements from the major professional groups representing veterinary behaviorists, trainers, and vets,…
No one can hold in the results of an Anna’s quesadilla.
http://wildcru.org Is the organization that was tracking Cecil and is working to help the lions. On their site they explain what they do and what it costs them, and there is a link at the bottom to donate.
I’m so sorry this guy was your dentist. I’d be having a really hard time with that.
At least you weren’t sheath cleaning?
I am so sorry you had to miss your father’s funeral. That must have been horrible.
Oh dear God, I’m recovering from major abdominal surgery and I can’t stop laughing at this. It’s excruciating.
Had a friend perform the ceremony (in Mass. you can designate anyone for a day), had a super small ceremony outside at a lovely park, had reception with buffet at a local Irish place, had a friend DJ, a friend did hair and makeup, and we only invited friends/family we *wanted* to share the day with, not ones we felt…
College. BF of a couple of years and I are in the same small, non-traditional program at a large university. I notice that one of our female professors has taken a rather pronounced interest in him, and see that her comments on his papers are far more personal than on mine and seem...flirty. He says nah, it's just…
I love the look of Ruby Woo, but it dries out my lips for days afterwards. Is this just my personal chemistry or is there something you do to prevent it?
Luck, safety, and freedom. <3
Yup. PTSD here, too, and it came as a huge surprise at the time. I still find myself telling what I think are normal childhood stories and only realize when my therapist/friends/husband/stranger on a plane are sitting there in open-mouthed horror just how fucked up it is.
I think the email was just the straw the broke the camel's back.
I was an only child raised by my mother. She was emotionally abusive, a flaming Borderline, made horrible choices in partners (alcoholic, also emotionally and verbally abusive), etc. etc. It was a horrible childhood, and my grandparents (now dead) after…
Sadly, as any vet or shelter worker can attest, people do horrid stuff like that to animals all the damn time, and posting shit suggestions like that just normalizes it and lowers the bar for "silly little twittedness"/abusive assholery.