
I’m an animal shelter volunteer and, between my wife and I, have four cats. PETA is garbage.

No one is cheaper than the rich. No one.

Marla’s got to be there so Tiffany has someone to talk to while Cheetolini chats with Ivanka, Uday, and Qusay.

Crippling, bone-crushing, overwhelming insecurity. He won’t go anywhere, speak to anyone, do anything where he can’t control the narrative or outcome. It’s the reason for the goldplated 7 year olds idea of luxury, the suits he can swim in, the cocooning in place, the shutting out of the media, the firing cheap shots

He probably has trouble pooping anyplace but home.

Yeah he’s being very careful, isn’t he? I noticed that too. Definitely trying to make sure he’s not dragged down with Cheetolini so that when the time comes to step in, he’s not haunted by a bunch of recent trump support. He seems to only back him up at times when it’s absolutely necessary to do so as Veep, and not a

I don’t know if it’s actually agoraphobia, but I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is. On top of everything else Trump already is, I just can’t wrap my head around the way he lives his life.

no, i assume he’s got boner pills. the best boner pills, tremendous boner pills.

Trump as President is far less scary than Pence as President. Trump is already contradicting senior Republicans on big things like healthcare, and committing them all to things they literally can’t deliver on. It will cause absolute chaos and they will obstruct each other’s agendas. Trump isn’t a Nazi. He doesn’t have

I’m not saying she (assuming it’s a woman here...if I’m wrong pls correct me) is wrong, by any means. But more people did die in the Holocaust than just Jews. And I say this as a Jew, with family who died in the Holocaust. I’m not a denier but I think that the full scope of all peoples affected by this is worth

This is a strange hill you’ve chosen to die on.

Also millions of slavs, but hey they were just slavs so no big deal, you know they aren´t even real people.

I guess the gays and mental defectives don’t rate.

“Attempt at accuracy” my ass. Your original reply to the poster - who you know fuck-all about - was a what you thought would be a subtle way of basically calling him a Holocaust denier.

But, that’s exactly what Donna is doing. Whatever the exact number, her attempt is to dismiss the many, many others who suffered the same fate. Her response was completely disproportionate to the original “offense” which I guess was the 11 million figure number - which I’m guessing if she thinks is wrong she could

You reject every source that’s not your own as unreliable. You indict Simon Wiesenthal, of all people, as a fabulist who made up numbers. I don’t even know what to make of this, but I sense you’re not debating in good faith.

This is so gross that you’d choose to do this.

While some camps made a weak effort to conceal their murderous operations, Sobibor was clearly a death camp: prisoners were often taken straight from the trains to the gas chambers. After an uprising in October 1943, Nazis destroyed the camp and attempted to eradicate all evidence of the killings. But researchers have

These little heart-rending human touches do us a service in remembrance. It’s hard to encompass the idea of 11 million people murdered in death camps; it cuts us closer to reality to see the life of one or two of the victims and try to understand what they went through, and then realize that everyone murdered in those

It was hilarious and adorable and I want to take him out for pizza.