entr'acte wherestheexitsign

Normally, I would agree with you. However, look at what being well informed by independent journalism did for Americans and the electorate. Being well informed was turned into a litmus test that well all failed.

No, I wish it were that. We’re in the middle of a tragedy. But it’s making the wrong people more money, people who don’t need it, but feel entitled to still more of it. The moneyed are the ones super-smiley, and winking at each other because they know the tragedy won’t touch them. A few of them get a sadistic kick out

I think I would like the Guardian better if they didn’t let random people write about health.

Please don’t let this incident change your opinion of the WaPo as a source of important, needed, journalism. It is a great publication and one of the few that genuinely investigated and reported on Trump during the election. This was stupid and awful, but no one in the newsroom was involved in any of these decisions.

Yeah, after fighting Lyme disease for 2 years and ruining my intestines with antibiotics, I don’t need friends who are giggling at me or consider me a pain in the ass. Don’t invite people if you’re not happy to have them there. By the way it’s not always allergies, sometimes it’s FODMAP which is malabsorption and can

I have it too and it helped me realize that vaping is not for me. I miss the harshness and fullness of a joint / pipe / bong. If anyone needs a lightly used first generation Pax I have one available.

Sanders’s goal, from the beginning, was to push Clinton to take more progressive positions. And to a degree, he was successful at that.

Also, where are Bernie’s taxes?

That’s a bit unfair, in my opinion. No primary is ever absent of harsh criticism and accusations. Hillary Clinton’s campaign was HARSH towards POTUS back in 2008 and she went on to support him, because she believed he was the better candidate and she was defending her party. Bernie stumped for Hillary this year and

So you’re ‘kinda over’ all the progressive values that he’s been espousing for 30-40 years? Jesus Christ, dude. Fuck off.

What’s wrong with calling out hillarys ties with Wall Street. He wasn’t making it up.

Oh, please. You’re acting like Hillary is completely without faults that should be pointed out in a primary season. This happens every primary season. Hillary trashed the absolute shit out of Obama in 2008, and guess what? He still won. Is this your first election season? Jesus, the excuses that people make on kinja

I, on the other hand, am having a hard time looking at the Clinton people who painted all of his supporters as misogynistic bros during the primaries. You did everything you could to alienate the sane, progressive voices who supported Sanders and to suppress what was clearly a watershed moment in democratic politics.

For my part, I also hope that we literally never hear from a Clinton again. Chelsea, don’t run for Congress.

Oh yeah, the Democratic Party refused to pander to racists and misogynists. So humiliating.

I continued having sex with the guy who raped me. Initiated it and everything. It was part of my attempt to pretend it didn’t happen

They were always going to vote for Trump. People vote most strongly along party lines. Most Republicans are white & they vote Republican. No one should be surprised about that. Hillary actually manged to get more white women to vote democrat that would not normally have voted for them. She just didn’t convince

Our hubris and fascination with reality stars will be our downfall.

They like power too much. Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing and isn’t smart so he’s going to be transformed into a figurehead ASAP - so they can just pass their plain old vanilla world-raping agenda in peace.

Get your guesses in now...does his waist expand or shrink from the stress of the next four years?