
As a political force though, look at the Knesset: the left doesn’t exist.

I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.

And also the name of a mid-level Empire functionary in the next Star Wars film.

look, guys, this is bad and all, but the really compelling argument about why he sucks is that he was the executive producer of suicide squad

Would be impolite to do otherwise, wouldn’t you say?

Gender and racial issues tend to take a backseat to economic issues. It’s seen as a distraction. I ain’t about to throw them a parade simply because they aren’t outright attacking those issues like the other side. (Btw I’m agreeing with you. My ire is directed at them, not you).

Eight weeks ago she was desperate, too ambitious and too calculating in her obvious, ravenous desire to win the presidency she felt entitled to and now she just didn’t want it enough. Women literally can not win with men.

you know, the thing that is giving me crippling depression about 2016 is not that conservatives voted for donald trump - i pretty much expected that. it’s all the personal sexism i experienced from ostensibly liberal men about hillary clinton, and now the victim-blaming that they are heaping on her after the fact.

We all enjoyed our little schadenfreude when we saw Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney kissing the ring because they’re odious people, but they get what democrats don’t: you can’t do shit if you don’t have power, and voting is an expression of gaining or retaining power, not of our deeper most innermost thoughts and wishes or a

THANK YOU. This interview got the desired effect: Democrats and progressives are once again yelling at each other instead of the enemy. And we fall for it every damn time. Grow up and suck up, folks.

I believe this, a lot of people believe this. However, I think Obama publicly stating this in an interview is a bit...unbecoming of a departing president.

Yes, this pales in comparison to the garbage Trump pumps out on a weekly basis, but I think it’s important that the Dems “go high.”

Can’t wait for the democrats to spend the next four years having their dick measuring contest and talking about how they totally could have beat Trump unlike that stupid ol’ girl that no one likes anyway instead of actually recognizing that Trump won because of a combination of the deep well of racist/classist/sexist

For whatever reason, there’s been a longstanding difficulty in her relationship with the press that meant her flaws were wildly amplified

Plus... you can only dance to polka music.

Sorry. I don’t agree with most of you.

Bannon set this up so this exact scenario would play out as it did.

Hollywood is especially tough on our Asian American actors and actresses. It’s really unfair.

Right?? That was about the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. They’re not with you, you idiots!! There is no reason to assume integrity at any level here. We are way beyond peace, love, and understanding and until the left gets that there will be no containing the glee of the right as they take every last inch we, in

Is it intentional that the bar and the bartender are a shot-for-shot recreation of Lloyd from the Shining?

Thing is, a bunch of armchair lawyers chatting on a blog don’t interpret contract language, a judge does. Plain meaning is only the first method with which a judge can interpret contract language. To be honest, I don’t think the verbiage is as clear cut as everyone seems to think. Further, those clauses were written