
We simply don’t have the numbers, and what we do have is divisible.

Yeah I keep going through this weird emotional cycle where I get upset about this stuff and want to fight but then remember we as a country handed him this so I probably can’t rely on us to fight him in any meaningful way, and then I despairingly conclude that we deserve it, and repeat.

Counter point: Mariah never put them away. You rock. Please keep being extra.

·“Who’s excited to vote for another status quo, Wall Street stooge? Nobody........?

That is just absolutely blowing my mind. It is what is making this whole election so surreal. It’s like a large segment of the population has been brainwashed - maybe Russia has been putting something in the water, who knows anything at this point. That people with supposed normal intellect, could watch the utter

Any vote that gives Trump more room to say that people don’t really believe in the ideals of the Democratic party is a bad thing, as is anything that gives more room for Trump to say that he has the “biggest, most luxurious mandate ever”.

The percentage of GOP voters did not significantly change between this presidential election and the current one. Fact.

yeah, but this is just a symptom of how liberals thrive on critique and righteousness. Its the same as that guy from hamilton addressing Pence, but then we go through his tweeter feed and find one scetchy thing he said and call him a rapist (literally, there were people in the comments section calling him a rapist).

Had Clinton won the election, those four would have voted for Bernie. So if it had been a razor close victory for Clinton, their votes might have sent the election to the House, where Trump would have won. So fuck all four of them.

Like, when the meme going around the Trumposhere is “Biggest landslide electoral vote ever!”... Maybe don’t help him out by making his in-reality slim electoral vote any bigger?

Seriously! And what the fuck are they doing voting for Colin fucking Powell? I don’t love the person who defected to vote for Faith Spotted Eagle, but I can at least appreciate the gesture of using their vote to recognize a worthy cause/activist. I have no such pass for the Colin Powell defectors. Fuck y’all.


So there has been more faithless defectors than any time since 1872, and they use their power to vote for people who have no chance in winning, or even ran for the office in the first place; Powell? Sanders? Spotted Eagle? They used it to make some kind of political statement instead of attempting to actually unseat

To repeat what I said below... Kind of the theme of this entire election, isn’t it, more people on the Left refusing to vote for the mainstream Left candidate, than people on the Right refusing to vote for an obvious Russian agent who promises to destroy this country.

I am so pissed about those assholes. You have one job and you screwed it up. the end, Trump only lost two electors. Hillary Clinton lost four.

WA state, you’re my home and I luh yuh, but this sort of nonsense is why Democrats lose elections. You got like a third of the party trying to compromise with insanity and another not insignificant part that just wants to hippie it way the hell up beyond reason. Well, time to start drinking.

While this has effectively crushed what was left of my soul, I have just enough left in me to wish a very special FUCK YOU to those jackwagon dipshits in Washington state.

“lock her up” was also a chant at some Bernie events.