
You forgot the ending, where he gets tossed around the world of heiresses for a while as an amusing diversion then gets dumped in the gutter as soon as he develops his first gray hair never to be heard from again with 3 kids who aren’t too happy he abandoned them.

Yeah, I read this whole thing and thought, much like I always think these days, “dude, that’s not how congress works.” Like any halfway intelligent member of congress had to be sitting there thinking “yeah, and if this doesn’t pass, we will turn around and pass a new bill, and then you can decide whether you want to

Yeah, exactly. Men do a bit of vacuuming and think they’re equal. Meanwhile, I’ve been up close and personal with small child poop crusted on a toilet for five years now and, you know, the scales look a little different from this side.

I’ve been here for like nine years now, but every now and then my phone logs me out and I can’t remember my password so I have to re-create a new account and well, I guess I’m just never going to be popular.

Yeah, this is pretty obviously something to wear for sex, I’m not seeing why everyone’s so confused.

Yeah, it’s actually kind of hard to ditch a date in a strip mall Applebee’s. There’s all the big windows and you have to find your car in the parking lot. This plan just won’t work.

This is your argument? That it’s a good thing we blew our seat at the table while gaining nothing beneficial because China deserves sovereignty over the entire Pacific since we’ve historically enjoyed pushing our weight around in the west? Jesus fucking Christ.

Yeah, and now that the TPP is dead, what Is the world getting in its place? Why that would be the China led RCEP, which completely eliminates any concepts of labor standards and ethical rules in favor of a simple tariff reduction plan all while shoring up China’s military dominance in the pacific. And the US has no

I don’t think you have been talking to the wrong people, because I’ve noticed this too. And frankly, I am REAL tired of constantly hearing that “the progressive left” is now narrowly defined by one specific man. I am a woman and an immigrant and the issues where I want progressive policies are NOT the issues Bernie

Yeah exactly, all these armchair “activists” crying that they’re disappointed in their candidates. Neoliberal, corporatist, “we’re the REAL base”, blah blah blah. Get out of your chair and run for office then! The whole reason the religious right is such a powerful bloc is they run for everything down to county dog

“I wanted my guy to be the chair of the DNC, but now he’s only the deputy chair. BERN IT TO THE GROUND. I’m sure the immigrants and minorities will understand”

I mean FINALLY someone is looking out for the rights of America’s controlling, abusive, and vindictive partners and dads. Those guys are a real unprotected group ever since the wimmin caught the lib.

Thank you. I’m a Canadian living in the states and people down here treat us like we’re adorable elves. And yes, sure, many of us are, but we’ve got PLENTY of our own assholes and racists up there.

Oregon is willing to forgive you as long as you take us with you. I say this as the official representative, of course.

I cannot even right now with all the Bernie people piling on Corey Booker, when he is a staunch progressive ally. And then you have Tulsi Gabbard out there being chummy with Assad and calling the Syrian rebels terrorists but the sun shines out of her ass because she supported Sanders.

Yeah, I believed one of these posts, called his office, and they were REAL short with me. His staffers are pissed about this meme.

What the hell? Robin Hood fox is manly perfection! “Robin Hood and little john running through the forest, doodley doo doodle doo doodle doo do!” And I just came.

Let’s get real, we already have Pence and Ryan, let’s at least get it out in the open.

As a fellow old, I’m right there with you. And what REALLY depresses me is that I’m pretty sure in 8 years we’ll have a whole new crop of shiny new young idiots wandering around the nuclear fallout shelter saying they’re going to vote for the Soilant Green Party because really, the New American Fascists and the

I closed on my house yesterday. So I feel you. I just had the weirdest couple months of vacillating wildly between “we need to abandon the earnest money and flee to Canada!,” and “when society goes down in flames, we will need a solid place we can rely on plus interest rates are going up”