
Right? Oh gee, the guy who moved the emergency command center into the World Trade Center over police and security expert objections MIGHT not be the best at strategic security plans? What a shocker.

Really? I think having hot ladies pee on a bed someone you hate used once fits in real well with that worldview.

Yeah maybe, the last two months has pretty much turned everything I thought I knew on its head, so who knows. A certain group of people did seem to turn wildly in the wind for whatever reason, so maybe this could have blown them back over to Clinton.

Yeah, but there was also plenty of stuff about his weird Russian ties before the election too and if you’ve spent any time in the comments section of any article on Facebook, you know his fans are FINE with Putin.

I mean, would it really be that much worse than what we knew before the election? Are golden showers worse then bragging about sexual assault on rape? At this point, I don’t think there’s much of anything that would turn off his fans. They probably think hiring hookers to piss on a bed Obama once slept in sounds

I recently re-read the Madadam series and was like “you know, there’s a lot in here that now seems surprisingly plausible and that is deeply uncomfortable.”

Right? The monks LOVED a good fart joke in the margins.

Not to mention that this is actually the fourth time this year that the US has expelled Russian diplomats to my knowledge. Is this one really that much more apocalyptic then the one in October when the expulsion also came with news that Russia was parking nuclear missles on the Polish border?

I’m pretty sure in pretty short time, just as every conservative personally knows at least one scamming welfare recipient who drives a Mercedes, every conservative will also personally know at least one person who got a job at Sprint because of Trump. And there won’t be any arguing with them, because how can you say

And they won’t even see it coming when suddenly the Sprint And T Mobile merger is back in the table because Trump made The anti-trust worries go away. It’s just pathetic how obviously we are all getting played right to our faces. Jerbs! Jerbs, everyone! 5,000 shiny new jerbs! Pay no attention to that other stuff over

I’m kind of wondering if she got caught by being both TJ Max’s number one online consumer and number one returner of goods bought online. That seems like a good way to get some of managment’s attention right there.

I bet his listening is basically just Kellianne sitting in front of a computer saying “oh, they love you, they thought that point was great!”

At least President Snow could string a sentence together, Amirite?

I’m kind of surprised by this part “He can put his thoughts out and hear what [his followers are] thinking.” Since I’ve looked at the twitter response and a good 80% of it at this point is people saying “get the fuck off twitter and do your job, you lunatic.” But hey, I guess if he LIKES looking at a wall of mean

It’s been my experience dating and befriending a good selection of liberal dudes that most of them just simply don’t think very hard about women’s experiences or political positions. As long as they don’t picket an abortion clinic or hoot at a woman out of a car window, they think they’re fine as far as feminism goes.

Yeah, I love Obama, but this and Biden’s comment the other day about how Hillary didn’t really want it, whatever that’s supposed to mean, are not helping. This just stokes up divisions in the party. The democrats gain nothing from this never ending post mortem “Hillary sucks” autopsy of hypotheticals we seem to now be

God I know. The other day I was drinking wine in my cozy middle class neighborhood when I ran out of wine which means I have to get in my VW and drive to Trader Joe’s and there’s like this one minority homeless guy on the way that I just KNEW was going to try and make eye contact with me through the window. And he did

At least Jack still had a certain zest and charisma about him later in life. Leo just looks like a damp bathmat at this point.

I’m assuming Cause this is actually The Shining in space. Think about it, makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, I’m loving all these Internet folks talking about how words have meaning who have clearly never seen a group of lawyers all get together and debate what the meaning of a word is. Lawyers live for arguing over what words mean. There’s a reason why Bill Clinton thought asking what the word “is” means was a