This looks like one of those dresses you can buy on Amazon that’s sold by a third-party Chinese supplier.
This looks like one of those dresses you can buy on Amazon that’s sold by a third-party Chinese supplier.
I can’t look at Susan Sarandon without thinking “ugh” anymore.
I thought Catholics were all about the trinity.
Jeff didn’t out Zeke as transgender to a national audience, the producers of Survivor did that.
Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.
Just left a message for Jason Lewis. (MN). I finally resorted to somewhat flattery and said, “Surely, you’re smarter than to vote for a bill with a 17% approval rating?” (Probably not, but men like that need to be coddled like the widdle babies they are).
Because the day he refuses to sign a bill they send him is they day they begin impeachment hearings.
What’s hilarious about all of this is that if you take him at his word (i.e. that Obamacare is a horrible system that is hurting people), then he’s essentially willing to saddle America with terrible healthcare out of SPITE.
how you gonna threaten me with a gift, don?
they’ll still push that new Volvo on you hardcore for that history tho
It’s more complex than that. For example, there are men who are under the impression that they are participating in a 50/50 split at home, but it’s more like 70/30. It’s just that they were raised by a generation where the split was 90/10, so it seems more equal. There are also a lot of things that happen right around…
Me too, Madeleine!
Everyone is problematic.
well you’re here aren’t you? internet - 1 you - 0
Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.
The party is not screwed. Perez will do a great job, Keith would have been great too, and Buttigieg would have been great too. Upward and onward. We lost after a letter from Comey, and 70,000 votes in three states. The party is not fucked or a complete cluster fuck. If you need to woosha or whatever fine. I get it.…
So even though I’m not gay or a trans, voting for expanded protections for LGBT individuals means I “only care about me and mine” whereas voting for Mr. Free College (don’t ask me how!) makes you a super patriot?