
It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

Is it because the knot is not only a four-in-hand, but a particularly bad four-in-hand?

Came here for this joke. Leaving satisfied.

Geez, it’s just basic vagina formal wear. Get with the times.

Jesus Christ. One tiny upshot to this whole national embarrassment is that I now know, without a doubt, that I am not nearly as socially awkward and embarrassing as I thought I was.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

In my closet. At my funeral or divorce  I want to rig it to fly out on a wire like a ghost.

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit

I know, right?! They know NOTHING of his record, and how and who he has helped- but he dared vote against Sanders’ endorsed law ( and yes, I read the total thing- it was bullshit) and therefore all of Bookers efforts to help previously dying New Jersey cities and boost businesses so that lower income people can have

This fascination with Booker from folks who so obviously support Bernie and were vocal ‘Never Hillary’ people is quite something.

And why is Booker a quisling, precisely? Oh, right, he did not sign that bullshit ‘symbolic’ prescription law? Right. I am sure the residents of NJ, for which he has done the very best, will totally primary him.

I seriously doubt even Trump and his minions could find someone who would be worse for education than Betsy DeVos

Did you ever think you’d be longing for the great speeches George W. Bush made?

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

We are now the country that knows that it doesn’t know what it’s doing

You’re right, that kitten is adorable!

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

Maybe I’m just an old because at 37, I am old enough to remember that when a bunch of assholes in Florida decided that both parties were the same and Ralph Nadar was the better alternative, thousands of American soldiers died and 100k+ Iraqis died as a result. And to be clear: GWB was terrible, but I’d take another 8

Anyone who says out-loud that there is no difference between the parties and democrats are as bad as republicans demonstrate themselves to be unacceptably stupid.