
Yeah, we were supposed to be surprised by this? People thought the VW corporate lawyers were just gonna say “ha ha, funny joke man, glad you got it in the media. Well, here’s your cash!” This was a pretty obvious outcome. Now he gets to spend a while negotiating with the lawyers of a giant corporation and maybe going

Right? Like stopping climate change, improving our bilateral free trade agreements, maybe just looking deep into each other’s eyes for a while and thinking what the hell, I’m going in for a kiss?

Thanks for posting this, it has a lot of VERY helpful info!

I’m right there with you. And given that the left couldn’t even manage the very simple task of voting their electoral votes without completely embarrassing ourselves, I’m not feeling real confident right now about our ability to mount a unified and effective resistance.

I’m starting to feel like this too. I always thought protecting civil rights was more important than my personal “sports team-esque” excitement. I always thought one of the strengths of the democrats was their ability to recognize there are many different voices in a democracy and still craft big tent coalitions that

I have the feeling a bunch of VW lawyers will shortly be getting the opportunity to hash this question out.

It does seem like an obvious point not to actively HELP Trump make his argument stick, but then if liberals actually noticed and understood how their talking points were turned around and used by the right to discredit and undermine them, I don’t think we’d be in this situation in the first place.

Well, if by “stepping on legos” you mean having their civil rights chipped away and seeing Medicare turned into block grants that states can use as slush funds, then yes, they are about to be stepping on a lot of big painful Legos.

Me too. I fully expect a gloating tweet later tonight from Trump talking about how his “landslide victory” got even larger because even the democrats think Hillary is awful. And what will these people have gotten us in return for knee capping us at the final hour? Nothing.

That’s true, and I wasn’t holding out much hope, but JFC democrats, I didn’t think we’d figure out a way to make things WORSE for ourselves. The good people of the Brietbart comment section are positively delighted about all the democrat faithless electors. Apparently this shows conclusively that Russia didn’t meddle

Given that I seem to remember there were allegations of elder abuse by the most recent husband, I don’t think I want to google what these 5 years of life support were like. I can’t imagine this was good.

Her and I share a dream of driving with an open bottle of vodka in a Rolls Royce in Beverly Hills without being bothered about it by mean people, so I feel ya.

It does seem a bit silly, but on the other hand American moms are totally deluged with the message that one of their primary goals after giving birth is to get back to looking like they never had a baby, which even for the fit beautiful moms, is very difficult, so I can understand her annoyance that mom bodies aren’t

Yeah, it’s pretty bad. What was the pitch on this? “Hey guys, it’s an epic romance like Titantic except imagine that when Jack knew the boat was sinking he intentionally tricked Rose, who had never met him before, into dying with him. It’ll be a massive hit with the ladies!”

I’m pretty sure In the minds of the hard core Trump voter, Bannon deserved to be there because he’s smart and hardworking while anyone who looks like Obama got there on PC affirmative action run amok.

Eh, these people think he’s one of them just rich. It’s going to take a LOT for them to turn on their rich powerful buddy in Washington.

You could be right, who even knows why people vote anymore. A month ago, I would have said being a racist moron was political suicide and we all know how THAT turned out.

Are we all just forgetting how much ire Biden drew up for his support of the bankruptcy bill? For his close ties with MBNA which his son worked for as a Banking lobbyist? All of the donations he got from his home state financial institutions?

“Or that Trump can paint Biden as the out-of-touch, bloodless politician he painted HRC as.”

I worked hard, got a degree, and make more money then the guy on NPR and I’m STILL worried about finances. I mean we live in a country where getting freaking cancer could wind you up in bankruptcy and people will still look at you like “look at that lazy poor person.” Shit happens in life but we’ve managed to