
And he makes several fonts I like :)

I like Proxima Nova

Could be kinky blindfolded sex ?

(I don’t completely agree with the OP, and this a sidenote)

I don’t who the minion dude is ^^

As it happens (and not to brag, but I’m going to) I am one those rare being with perfect eye sight.

Honestly. I saw the miniature and clicked on the article just because I hoped I would learn which side was which.

It’s a mystery. (get it ? wink)

While you’re here, would you know why someone (me) would never have had any reaction to mosquito bites ? ( and pyschological detail: I never developped the seemingly pavlovian reaction of trying to crush the mosqito when I hear one)

Their username is already sharp enough: Nitelight62

You have at least one book sold in Paris, France ;)

Guidelines on what’s appropriate. Like the ones you have for swear words and nudity.

So... It is related to a court case.

Technical debt.

Why are directly politicals ads authorized? Basically.

What was the reasonning for why the US authorized ads for everything ?

How do you look through the greys these days ? (I may be grey on this kinja)

Also a god of mysteries (hermetism) and medecine (his staff). I would also argue that he isn’t a trickster god like Loki for example. In the myths I’ve read he cons people but often for a good cause. In the Greek pantheon I would point out Apate as the real bad trickster. Hermes on the other hand is on the good side

Counterpoint: the American executive branch is one of the most powerful among democracies and “the President” can be seen as a royal figure. Same can be said of the French system, even though they (we, I’m French) decapitated kings.

The spoiler warning is just a “waiver” of sort. That way I avoid responsability if someone who shouldn’t have read that, actually read that.