
My friends and I still play Battlefield 2 (2005, with mods), precisely because we can host a private server, VPN to each other, and just play between ourselves.

Or games where Superman has to fly through hoops.

IMO, once you’re actually building things, the best documentation resource is the MDN.

I think it’s the inverse actually. She’s _too_ high resolution. Her skin is a caricature of phantasmed skin.

I would love a “phone” without camera, mic, speakers. A portable connected computer. With various connectivity options.

Question for io9, is it worth taking back Dr Who ? Or do you reserve your judgement for later ?

Thank god it seems it has full 24fps. I was so letdown with The Dragon Prince....

He looks very much like this guy [google image search link, NSFW if your work place doesn’t like pictures of old white men with an history of being a torturer, a racist (including but not limited to antisemitism), a holocaust denier, and a general shit]

If you’re in a position where you can leave your phone lying flat, you can certainly just plug it to a wall charger.

He could have made an excellent Superman, he bit overmuscled (why would he develop such muscles if he’s super strong ?) but very good looking, and a charismatic chin. If only he had had other lines than “Martha” and a director who did not tell him to grumble.

What I really meant was “technically better in the narrow sense of using it in computers”, that’s what I deal with the most on a day to day basis. Emotionally and artistically I have absolutely no objections to logographic systems and they can convey much more meaning in very concise manner (though I’d like something

First time someone will have been called “gramps” for defending language change. Thanks internet.

It’s not about accepting. I don’t really like any emojis or hieroglyphs, on principle and because I believe alphabetic systems to be technically better (though calligraphically arguably less so). But they are used in this way.

It’s used as a shorthand, like an emoji would, to express something hard to write down. Except it’s a single ASCII letter instead of an Unicode point.

Completely agree with you, excellent performer when used well by a good director. However. The beard. Will they go with “Witcher 3 beard” or “book shaved” ? And please, if they choose beard, let him grow a real one. Not the god awful things Stephen Amell had in Arrow. Cavill had a good beard in Man of Steel ? I think ?

(I just want to argue the point, not flame war)
Fallout 3 was very FPSy but it was also very much a RPG (Fallout 4 less so). I’m thinking the profusion of autoaiming weapons shown here were CDPR take on that, like the VAT in Fallout 3. It makes the player’s skill irrelevant and the character’s skills very relevant.

May 30th I bought an electronic cigarette and a large pack of liquid rated 0 nicotine. June 1st I smoked my last cigarette. At the end of July I finished the pack. I haven’t smoked anything since. It cost me around 300€ but, for now (fingers crossed), I stopped smoking and don’t get the urge anymore. I used to smoke

What I meant was, Depp can’t be lynched in public by hordes of anonymous people and bots like people on twitter can be. Which in his case is “clever”...

Please don’t encourage sideloading apps. This is a feature meant for developpers... You’re putting people at risk...