
I’m still on the fence about Fallout 76. If they’d just let us run private servers without paying a hundred dollars a year - private servers, by the way, being something they said was coming when they announced the game - I’d be much more likely to give it a shot.

I dunno if he was drunk, but there was at least alcohol present. Drunken gun shenanigans probably isn’t the image Twitch is looking for for their platform.

There are plenty of responsible streamers waiting to take his place.

When Eliot finally let his grief out about effectively telling Q to ‘fuck off’ after their lifetime together, Q still dying to save him, and never having really gotten a chance to talk to Q after he was saved....ugh that killed me.

Ten rubles and a bowl of borscht says that ‘traditional Russian Values’ translates to ‘anti-homosexual’. Probably with a side order of ‘backdoor to let us search your phone for the gay’.

Like killing journalists, jailing dissidents, taking other countries’ territories, interfering in US elections, bribing US presidents, that sort of thing.

Can you see every part?

Probably none. Unless there’s a Pokemon region that’s culturally obsessed with the idea of Pokemon as a tool for exerting power, has very poor healthcare and education on mental health, as well as a history of being bigoted towards specific demographics in the past, to the point that the gradual equality that

I’m utterly baffled at how misunderstood this show is. The timelines were not that hard to follow. Plus they have the benefit of setting up thoughtful episodic parallels between the characters: see Geralt de-cursing the Strega producing a beautiful princess that retains her feral attitude while Yennifer is transformed.

Just a reminder - Deadspin also had one of the best write-ups on the bullshit that was Gamergate, and was one of the first places that recognised what it meant:

How about shed some light on the recent events or successes for once?

“...Shadow Moon is definitely not the most interesting or even fourth most interesting character on the show...”

Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer 

More shoutouts to Marx and Engels are always a welcome thing in this day and age.

I cannot imagine something I would less like to be involved with, consume, or even be aware of. Just reading this article made my day worse.

That last part reminded me: Many years ago I had a friend pop by one morning wanting to share some stank weed that he had just purchased. I kept telling him that I had a job interview and that he should continue with his delivery schedule since he was still at work, but of course his persuasiveness got me.

Don’t forget the other secret: Always be high.

His gaming credits include starring as Eddie Riggs in Brütal Legend, playing Harm’ny in Broken Age (both by Double Fine) and the Pitfall commercial mentioned by ninjinister.

Yes it does come across as that...

I could watch Keanu Reeves throw assault rifles at people like hatchets all day.