

I mean. I’m biased, I’m French.

Or she’s a very tall woman.

Windows Store = Security.

Slow down you horses...
I also referenced in my comment (though only implicitely) something called “code review”. Something we can’t do with WhatsApp. Something we can’t completely do with Telegram. But is indeed possible to do with Signal.

Thank you. I remember now :)

I know I’ve seen this movie. I just can’t put my finger on what it is.

Interesting, that’s not the way it’s done here (France), we usually go through our masters without working. Usually, but not always, cf “apprenticeships” which are not the same here. In fact I myself am working part time and studying for my software enginering degree.

Supposedly you don’t have an income while studying ? Excluding small odd jobs. I don’t know how that work in the USA. You’re weirdos.

I’ve had the same-ish feelings about the show.

The official app stores for Windows and macOS make the job easier, and you can download software from those sources confident in the knowledge that the programs contained within have been rigorously checked—though it’s a good idea to browse through user reviews and ratings anyway to see what to expect.

And it gives Cecilia busy work she would prefer not to do. And it gives us bad coverage.

Same, I think we just grow out of shonens.

In the Fire Emblem series, Excalibur is generally a magic tome of air element.

What probably happened was that someone watched Iron Man 3 yesterday, has that shirt, recognised it, and then saw that trailer today and posted something on Reddit.

I liked 1.6 though... Nostalgia I guess, and also I hate the UI of CSGO.

French isn’t Spanish, there are “weird” accents in both languages, but in this case it’s not “Atención”, it’s “Attention”.

Never said it wasn’t. It is definitely racism.
